Global Emerging Market Crisis Confirms Economic Reforms in Egypt


Engineer Mohamed Farag Amer, chairman of the House of Representatives Industries Committee, said the stability of the Egyptian economy at a time when emerging markets were going through a global crisis, underscores the importance economic reforms undertaken by the Egyptian state.

In a recent report, Amer pointed out that Morgan Stanley, of the World Bank Investment, confirmed in a recent report that the program of Egyptian economic reforms, including floating money and successive cycles to reduce subsidies as well that public investment in infrastructure and energy projects put Egypt on the right track. Become a country with great success.

He pointed out that the report pointed out that while slowing the growth of the global economy, any country going through a phase such as the development of Egypt and the arrival of an average income less than $ 5,000 a year was in good economic condition. The growth rate was growing faster than 5%.

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