Dubai – Google has unveiled a real-time foreign language translation system that allows users to speak in real time via a "translator mode" for speakers using Google Assistant's voice badistant, thus allowing two people's Express in different languages. Real time.
According to Google, this service will facilitate the treatment of visitors by the hotel reception desks, as well as the technology used in airports and stations, or facilitate the management of localized commercial offers.
Interpreter mode works with smart displays from partner manufacturers and the Google Home smartphone group, controlled by voice commands and capable of translating 27 languages. The system is activated by pronouncing a phrase such as "Help me in conversation" in French ", to record what the person says in his own language and read it in the other person's original language, while offering the speech translation while talking on smart screens.
Google Assistant improves words in the person's native language and is an extension of Google's online translation program, which the company says is now able to translate certain languages with the same precision as professional translators. He began testing features in hotels in Las Vegas, San Francisco and New York, becoming widely used in all places where translation services are needed.
Google unveiled its "interpretive mode" as part of its participation in the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, CES 2019. The company also announced a smart alarm system using internet-connected lights to entice people wake up gradually, which is more effective at waking people up. Compared to normal alarm systems.
He has also integrated his smart badistant with various internet-enabled devices, including smart pressure cookers and smart refrigerators, to enable voice-controlled operation. Google says that the "translator mode" reaches smartphones with Google Assistant in the coming weeks. . Contact us –
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