Greece declares the mourning of more than 70 people killed in fires


Greece announces the mourning of more than seventy people killed in the Manchet News 24 France fires, where we strive to work your distinguished and always glittering networking sites to bring you all events moment by moment, and we We are interested in the news Arab and international Greece declares the mourning of more than seventy dead in the fires, Greece declares the mourning of more than seventy dead in the fires and on the other, we hope to admire the project to receive all the news and share the news Mo While Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras showed Wednesday his mourning for three days for the lives of the victims.

The number of fires around Athens rose to 74 on Tuesday, and firefighters were revealed, while the country lives in shock after finding more than 20 people, including children. Firefighters announced the death of 74 firefighters, adding that a hundred firefighters were still looking for potential victims on the east coast of the Etiki region, which was burned Monday night. The previous toll was 60.

These fires are the most devastating since those that resulted from 77 deaths in 2007. Among the dead were a Polish mother and her daughter, also informed of Warsaw, who did not not provided further details.

At Marine Matte Station, some 40 kilometers east of Athens, 26 people were ambushed and mingled with groups "in a last attempt to protect themselves", declared the rescuer Vbadilis Andriopoulos.

Citizens are still talking about missing persons, especially at the three Red Cross centers open in the Gaza Strip, and Georgia Tresbioti, a spokeswoman for the organization, also spoke. "People are shocked, lost and some have lost everything: children, parents and homes."

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told "Greece mourning morning", announcing in a televised message to the nation the three-day national mourning.

Testimonies from officials and residents speak of an intense fire that erupted Monday afternoon on the east coast of the capital, besieging the victims in their cars or a few meters from the beaches that they were trying to reach. In 1945, the "wind blows" in residential areas, and firefighters, Stavrola Malirey, told the fire department.

The mayor of the neighboring port of Ravenna, Evangelos Bornus, proved that "Matte did not exist", blocking "more than a thousand damaged buildings and 300 cars", and the flames continue to be emitted. While the government had 172 wounded, including 16 children, 11 in serious condition.

About 715 people were transported by sea to Ravenna. Authorities and volunteers organize their trips to help those affected by collecting and distributing water, food and clothing, while displaced people are transported to hotels.

At least five people were killed at sea, where searches continue. The identification of victims in this area, also frequented by foreign tourists, has begun.

The fire resumed in the area after landing in the morning, and the group of firefighters was informed. An active front also remained in Kenita, about 50 km west of the capital, where the first fire broke out Monday morning. No casualties have been reported, but a number of cars and houses have been burned.

The countries that used the European Civil Protection Mechanism received badistance, including air, from France, Spain, Israel, Bulgaria, Turkey, Italy, Macedonia, Portugal and Croatia, while letters of condolence been sent from abroad.

The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, wrote that "UNHCR will spare no effort to help Greece". The High Court investigation opened an investigation into the causes of the disaster.

Before a controversy broke out over how the authorities handled the disaster, the government explained that he had been forced to deal with an "unusual" phenomenon, he said in Tsebras, which had shortened his visit to Bosnia.

Government spokesman Dimitris Zanakopoulos ordered "the simultaneous explosion of 15 fires on three different fronts in Attica", prompting Greece to ask the United States remotely controlled aircraft to "monitor" and detect any suspicious activity.

Due to these conditions, the republic canceled the annual reception planned on Tuesday to commemorate the restoration of democracy in Greece in June 1974.

The fires were accompanied by a heatwave in the country, accompanied temperatures reaching 40 degrees Celsius. Meteorology has learned that the heat wave will not decline Tuesday, despite the low temperatures expected in Attica.

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