Grilled Eggplants to Lose Weight – Journal is


When each of us is overweight, you quickly start looking for ways to lose that extra weight. Grilled eggplants for weight loss in burning fat important foods and enter dieting systems useful to achieve your desired goal.

Benefits of roasted eggplant

Eggplant contains a lot of important fibers that work to prolong the body with larger nutrients. The fibers improve the feeling of fullness and fullness, which prevents the secretion of hormone ghrelin, a hunger hormone, and thus significantly reduces the risk of excessive consumption of food, and contributes to the loss weight.
The pectin contained in eggplants helps in the removal of a lot of fat and rids the body of a lot of water and the excess of salts that it contains.

In addition, eggplants of healthy vegetables rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and low in carbohydrates. The compounds in eggplants contribute to the reduction of harmful cholesterol in the body, and potbadium helps to give moisture to the body and control the levels of salts in the blood.

How to prepare grilled eggplants


Two slices of eggplants

Large grain of tomatoes

A little finely chopped parsley

A little fresh coriander is finely chopped

A pearl of green peppers.

A tablespoon of olive oil.

Number 2 garlic.

how to prepare

Cut the eggplants and tomatoes into small squares.

Cut the peppers into thin slices and add them to the tomatoes, then rub the garlic well and add them to the tomatoes and sweet peppers.

The eggplant is placed in the oven and is well roasted. She is peeled and well crushed. A little lemon is placed in the eggplant so as not to change color. Put some salt and mix the ingredients.

Place a quantity of olive oil, add all the ingredients to the eggplant puree and mix them. Eat grilled eggplants and lose weight in a healthy way.

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