Haj Hassan in a workshop on water problems in Baalbeck: popular movements favorable to the implementation of development projects Al-Bina Journal


The Bekaa Branch organized a workshop on water problems in the construction of the Union of Municipalities of Baalbek, under the patronage and presence of representatives of the Baalbek-Hermel bloc: the Minister of Industry in the Interim Government Hussein Haj Hbadan, Jamil El Sayed, And the participation of the Director General of the Water Foundation in Bekaa Rizk Rizk, the director of the foundation at Baalbek Mohammed Ismail, Mayor of Baalbek Hussein Al-Lakis, officials of municipalities and municipal badociations in the cities of the region. Hussein Al-Nimr, and the research was conducted

Rizk said: "My general approach is to cooperate with municipalities, deputies and political forces as they can help the establishment of water of the Bekaa to play his role. "

He continues: "Water is a common system, we must work together to solve the water problem in the Bekaa: our work is integrated with the public service and the activation of the collection allows the institution to obtain the resources needed to better provide the services Municipalities are local communities concerned with the public interest.As well as an employee who does not do his duty [19659002] Haj Hbadan

The Minister Haj Hbadan said: "It is the duty of the deputies to follow major projects and secure their sources of funding, such as dams, ponds, cisterns, watersheds. stormwater and networks. The water, water and sanitation, and the tasks of the institution to study the reality of water and put an end to the problem of infractions, which must also address the security cooperation between MPs and municipalities and the relevant security authorities. "

Appeal to" Popular Support Movements

The Tiger

Tla Al-Nemer read workshop decisions: "In the face of the drought crisis affecting the region and the region. absence of the strategic water plan of the State, and in front of the people, Capacity of the Water Corporation Limited Given the increase in population, the following tracks should be cleared: [19659003] 1. Renewal of the study of the reality of groundwater in the west, east, center and north of Baalbek. The trip to the Bekaa to tackle the water sources

3. Development of a new groundwater policy

4. The Bekaa Water Corporation needs to update its administrative status and follow up with municipalities and civil society to implement the necessary solutions.

5. Work hard to remove attacks, whether on sources or in cities.

6. Exploitation of the existing water project for the establishment, installation of the purification station, followed up with the Ministry of Energy and Water to speed up the station.

7 – Insurance of the date of

8. The Bekaa Water Corporation must work hard to suppress violations in all cities, provide public water to the people, and civil society to respond to the institution and the municipalities supporting and supporting

9 . Encourage afforestation campaigns to mitigate climate and conduct awareness campaigns in the municipalities

10. Develop the water networks in service and submit a draft joint action plan to activate the collection between the Water Foundation and the municipalities [ad_2]
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