Halima Boland emerges from her silence and responds to news of her divorce


  Halima Boland emerges from silence and responds to news of her divorce

# Erm_newz

Source: Editorial Team

Kuwaiti media, Halima Boland, publish a series of reports, about her marriage with the lawyer AbdulRazaq al-Anzi

Boland, through his account at Snape Chat, became acquainted with his controversial image, many of which were likely to be separated because of her, without explain if it was a refusal of divorce. "

She also ridiculed the broadcast of a video for an interview in one of the activities Confirming that the interview dates back to a year ago. "The old video of a serious year, and the perpetrators of the appearance of Halima after the divorce for the first time, my father more substitutions." [19659024] [19659024]

"The words of people" are derived from pbadages of a song by the Syrian singer George Wbadouf: "The words of the people do not come in any way."

Halima Polland's method seemed to answer the news of her divorce,

Halima Boland recently returned to Kuwait after a trip to Lebanon, where she seems to be preparing to work there.

Last updated

30 July 18

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