Hariri and the "Forces" avoid the power struggle and agree on the distinction between Aoun and "blackmail Basil" – Alankabout spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


In recent weeks have raised the question of powers in the formation of the government to believe a political team that the knot is the basis of the conflict between the President of the Republic Michel Aoun and the president-elect Saad Hariri.

This was preceded by a number of references, including the meeting of former heads of government with the appointed President, the President of the Republic, and the insinuations of the Grand Mufti of the Republic Sheikh Abdullatif Durian in this regard, as well as the statements of a number of Sunni deputies, including those who are not members of the Bloc of the future, refuse to violate the powers of the President-designate

. He pointed out to al-Hayat that some of the actions related to the efforts to dissolve the minister's contract in the next government tend to put pressure on Hariri in favor of President Aoun's opinion on the government structure to determine the party size. . According to an effective political reference, Minister Gebran Bbadil continues to draw the image of the government formation and speaks in the language of Al Jazm that he will follow the criteria of his team, from the University of as much as he is not satisfied with Christian representation but intervenes in the issue of druze representation. Parliament's Deputy Speaker, Elie al-Farzli, has similar ideas that the presidency can ask the parliament to withdraw Prime Minister Hariri's term as long as the birth of the government is delayed. To the extent that these ideas irritated the Sunni authorities, this prompted the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri, to tell some of his visitors that he had not spoken of withdrawal of the mandate,. Berri stressed to visitors that it was unlikely to accept the inclusion of parliament in such cases.

However, sources familiar with the position of Hariri and the Lebanese Forces Party have made it clear to Al-Hayat that despite some symbols suggesting a power struggle, Look at things from this angle, and prefer, like Hariri, to limit the reasons for the delay in the completion of the government structure and the neutralization of the President of the Republic, without canceling the fact that the ball was at the court of President Aoun. In describing the government's situation, the "forces" believe that Bbadil wants to impose a fait accompli at the head of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, insisting that it be limited to two ministers and that the third comes from Minister Talal Arslan . 3 ministers or none. "In this situation, Bbadil also wants to impose a fait accompli to the President-designate, which the latter has rejected.There is an agreement between the" forces "and Hariri on the distinction between Bbadil and President Aoun to try to dissolve the contract and push Bbadil to abandon the attempt to impose a fait accompli and therefore be in agreement with Aoun and the two Christian groups to get out the President of the Republic.We asked if the separation between the position of Basil and the position of Aoun is possible, especially if the president accepts the requests of his brother-in-law despite the leaks by rejecting Farzali's ideas by withdrawing the warrant, "For the" life "that despite the belief in the impossibility of separation, do the problem with President Aoun will lead to the emergence of a difficult situation to find a solution. And to limit the problem with Bbadil maintains the possibility of talking with the President of the Republic because he will have a balance of solutions and will be able to make a breach in the wall of the crisis.

These circles consider the crisis a crisis of power between the two presidents. It is conceivable that the Covenant and the "free movement" of Saddam Hussein, with President Berri, who represents half of the Shiites, and with Jumblatt, who represents the majority of the Druze, have also become a clash with the Sunnis and their references. ?

"Basil and its environs" believe that they will succeed in putting pressure on us and on Hariri and Jumblatt Through the game of winning time, Basil deliberately hesitates to meet Hariri, while the time factor does not allow him to do so. is not at all in favor of the "strong" alliance, because it is he who drains his balance due to the intransigence of the "current". The same circles say it's better that things stay as they are: none of the stakeholders – the Forces, the Socialists or even Hariri – is willing to blackmail the situation economic and the need for a government to implement Sider's decisions. Source: Al Hayat

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