Hariri has the decisive word Battalions


The newspaper Al-Gomhuriya invited the President of the Republic to hold a meeting of the Council of Ministers making use of its constitutional right, citing the point of view of the Prime Minister's team and his position on the steps taken by President Aoun.

This is not the content of the phone call by President Michel Aoun to Prime Minister Saad Hariri, which was leaked by Baabda sources, and even one of Hariri's advisers felt there was a lot of meta-sufficiency in the inventive invocation of Article 53, paragraph 12, The Prime Minister's sources, "accusing some of his entourage, especially one of the ministers, of" implicating "him with unconstitutional political positions and constitutional judgments ", as was the case previously with Article 95".

According to reports, Hariri and his team have deliberately denounced the publication in the media of the news of communication with "Zu" id, "although the communication between the two presidents continues and that it n & # 39; There is no interruption, so the telephone conversation between them is an event to generalize, "confirms one of the members of this group. The wisdom in this layout and the feasibility of it.

The circles of Hariri emphasize that even Article 53, quoted by his entourage, specifies that the President of the Republic calls the Council of Ministers to meet in agreement with the Prime Minister, who is not yet in force. Any meeting without him can take place, even if it is chaired by the President of the Republic.

The media warned of the danger of rushing to hold a government meeting ending with "Nafut al-Bahir", after which the cabinet could no longer meet. "We are not the last to wait a few days to ensure a productive and silent session rather than embark on an irresponsible adventure, the consequences of which could be disastrous.

The circles close to Hariri denounce how some are trying to determine the timing of the government's healing and the imposition of the Qabrushmoun incident on its agenda, as well as the vote on its referral to the Council of Justice under the pretext of the sadness and pity of things. He will not dominate his powers and no one will be able to impose a reality on him, regardless of the intensity of the pressures and the increasing diligence.

According to the circles, it took a year and a half to refer to the Justice Council the case of the bombing of the Taqwa Mosque and the peace in Tripoli, expressing the belief that the urgency of sending back the case of Kabrishmoun was inscribed as part of Jumblatt's attempt to isolate him.

The circles emphasize that the call of Mr. Hariri to the government to meet remains present at any time, according to the progress of the treatment. As soon as the emergency ladder is over, the government is immediately cured.
In the same context, the relatives of Prime Minister Saad Hariri accused one of the ministers of implicating the President of the Republic with inaccurate political positions and constitutional judgments. Close badociates pointed out that the call of the Council of Ministers and the establishment of its agenda fall under the jurisdiction of Prime Minister Hariri, who will not dominate his powers and that no one will be able to Impose, regardless of the intensity of pressure and case law,

According to relatives, the agreement to hold the meeting has not yet been concluded, "and the last minimum to wait days to ensure a silent session instead of living an adventure with a stormy session may be followed by the fall of the government or the prolonged disruption.

Source: Republic

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