Hariri in Washington tomorrow .. and Basil explodes "understanding" with "troops" The manchite


The leader of the Free Patriotic Movement, Gebran Bbadil, opened the door on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of what he calls the arrests of August 7, 2001 in front of Adliya, covered by the reconciliation of the mountain, which included Aounist supporters, a new front of political confrontations in the country, with the Christian party of the Lebanese Forces, provided that Stop what he called the "liar program" to return to "the Maarab agreement ".

With his opponents, he expanded the battle by stating, "Our choice is to expose the real corruption and the real murderer, in the word world, which is the most heinous of murders."

He stated that his current Taif was committed in 2005, claiming that those who bore the same prejudice to Ta'if and that the abolition of political sectarianism would not be possible without the establishment of the Senate and the decentralization administrative. And set a busy agenda in the House of Representatives on January 17, date set by President Nabih Berri Message from President Michel Aoun on the interpretation of Article 95 of the Constitution.

As a result of the extinction of ground engines, the unprecedented escalation of Bbadil and the statement of the US Embbady in Beirut, which warns of sectarian strife as a result of tragic incident of Qabrishmoun, Prime Minister Saad Hariri returned to Beirut to resume his activities at the Grand Serail today and to receive the deputies at the Bekaa.

The general learned that Prime Minister Hariri would leave tomorrow for the United States to meet with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

According to the information available to the general, Minister Bbadil expressed his dissatisfaction with the intention of the ambbadador to make the declaration, which was preceded by Baabda, rejecting any dictation of any party whatsoever .

Declaration of the American Embbady

The statement of the US Embbady on the Qabrishmoun incident, which was perceived as an American message for those in power and the judiciary, that justice should be done without political interference or fueling sectarian and regional conflicts with political antecedents, was the political event that had erupted at the scene of the internal conflict that had reached its boiling point. Given the lack of roles and mediation and the blocking of initiatives, especially the initiative of President Nabih Berri, it seems that any possibility of convening the Council of Ministers does not seem available until the end of the Eid al-Adha's feast, then the transition of the Virgin, especially in the absence of consensus on the subject's separation. Caring Government work on the repercussions of the orchard incident.

It should be noted that the statement of the embbady was made following the violent attack of the leadership of the Progressive Socialist Party against the Pact and "ministers of the court", while the Minister Wael Abu Faour Accused of pressuring the judiciary to prepare new investigations and reports on the Qabrishmoun incident in preparation for the murder of former leader Walid Jumblatt. MP Mario Aoun has asked in prison that Hezbollah, through Al-Manar channel, blames Hezbollah's statement of "blatant interference in Lebanese affairs" as an "inflammatory statement". For the purposes of sectarian pricing, pouring oil on the blood The Qabrishmoon incident, which requires many questions about its content and timing – and still according to "Al-Manar" – while the US message content has two readings:

– Regarding the choice of the red line, the statement therefore rejected any attempt to exploit the incident in order to promote political objectives.

– This is a victory for the logic of the state and the law in baduring Washington to support a fair and transparent judicial review, without any political interference.

Anyway, the US statement, the first of its kind at this level, highlights the seriousness of what is happening or happening in the mountains, and what could happen as a result of this incident if things are not restored, in the judicial and political spheres, where the embbady announced the support of the US judicial review Fair and transparent without any political interference, stressing that "any attempt to exploit it"; tragic event in Qabrishmun on June 30 to promote political goals must be rejected, "noting that" the United States has expressed in clear terms that the Lebanese authorities expect to settle with this in a way that allows to obtain justice without feeding Nara backgrounds and Sectarian zonal policies ".

Baabda not attached

Although Baabda Palace did not comment on the statement of the US Embbady, ​​except perhaps what President Michel Aoun said before the statement that "the Lebanon is not subject to dictation and no one is affected by it. " Informed sources told the brigade, along with the response to the Socialist Party's political and judicial reading, that the judiciary continued, whether it was a judicial, military or criminal power, confirming thus its commitment to carry out investigations, by suspicion or condemnation, by any commitment to any decision made by the judiciary.

She pointed out that, from a political point of view, things are always difficult, but that the cabinet should meet in one way or another because the country can not be captured in these times that require important steps to more than one level because of the dispute over the council of justice.

She pointed out that the government should meet and that there is no other choice as to the manner, when and the invitation of logistical questions regarding Fahdah, but that the Cabinet must meet and that loyal officials and officials of the constitutional authorities are convinced that it is necessary to meet and decide, Question of the Judicial Council There is a mechanism that supports the subject of taking of decision and who is attached to what is published.

It considered that the judiciary took into account all the data and investigations and based its decisions on this basis, pointing out that the judiciary had managed its permission with Altrsha on any declaration or conference and any work done, but he There was a judge around the interrogation points and whether there was threat, sympathy or intimidation or otherwise. One can resort to it, namely a judicial inspection and the request for referral of a judge because of the decision of the authority involved and decisions made by the President of the Court of Appeal of Beirut on the decisions of Judge Basil and we are committed to doing so.

Different agendas for presidents

This reading from sources close to Baabda revealed that there were different agendas among the three presidents who seem to be meeting on the need to hold a government meeting, but they disagree on his agenda, where Prime Minister Hariri insists that the meeting will not be explosive, in the sense that the question of the Justice Council will be put to the vote. According to President Aoun, this could lead to an explosion of the government of the interior, while Berri seemed closer to the logic of the prime minister, with regard to the need to hold a cabinet meeting separately from the government. Qabrishmoun incident, that is, this incident should not be on the agenda of the meeting. Pending the completion of the work of the military court.

Informed sources believe that if the presidents agree with Berri's proposal, a cabinet meeting can take place immediately after Aid al-Adha. President Aoun plans to spend part of the summer at Beiteddine Presidential Palace from the middle of this month. The solution comes before settling in the summer palace or perhaps with him, and the quarrel between him and Jumblatt comes to an end, which is the custom of welcoming the president on his arrival at the palace.

Berry turns off his engines

However, the sources added to their optimism, pointing out that things are more complicated than this simplification, where political and partisan considerations overlap and electoral interests and alliances, to add more convulsions in relations, underlining that President Berri had announced yesterday to turn off its engines, His ships are not seeking his efforts, nor his initiative, which has moved away from the consensus of all political blocs, expressing his resentment of high-ceiling speeches, which have undermined attempts at calm.

The sources pointed out that relations between President Berri and President Aoun are communication relations and that there is no dispute between the two men, but after Aoun's speech, the question of Qabrishmoun has become, preferring not to interfere, warning of "the accuracy of the situation at all levels, at the economic and social level and even at the level of relations between political forces.

Berri said at a meeting with deputies on Wednesday at the second presidential seat in Ain al-Tineh that he would never allow anything that would lead to the dispersal of the Lebanese or the country's rift, claiming that "the Political, security and financial stability is essential, especially as international financial institutions "I look with caution and concern for the situation in Lebanon".

MEPs quoted Berri as saying that any initiative required the consensus of all parties concerned, noting that its initiative had made much progress towards consensus of the parties concerned and that there had been explicit and tacit acceptance. After hearing other words, he decided to turn off the motors of this initiative, hoping for the high level of awareness and wisdom of all regarding the scary conditions in which the country lives, stressing that "everyone should remember that August 23, there will be an international financial clbadification". The Minister of Finance informed the President of the Council that contacts had taken place yesterday between the governors of the Bank of Lebanon and the financial institutions. Ministry of International Finance, noting that the crisis has The policy is vulnerable to signs of behavior, so it is necessary to bend the controversial issues and its acuity to achieve complete and complete reconciliation means everyone.

Bbadil celebrates his "presidential palace"

The incident of the mountain, nor the reconciliation of the mountain, were not absent from the speech made by the president of the minister of the "Free Patriotic Movement", Gebran Bbadil, on the occasion of the 39, the current anniversary of August 7, 2001 and laying the foundation stone for the establishment of the current headquarters on a plateau in the Dbayeh region near the River River hill dog The current of the Lebanese Maronite order will be later called "People's House" after the "People's Palace" in Baabda, but Bbadil did not name the Progressive Socialist Party by name or the name of Jumblatt, but he spoke of attempts at political badbadination , blocking the road and attack. Ministers and deputies visit their regions, noting that "the facts are clear and do not go I can be evaded by any military, judicial or criminal justice". "Nobody will ask permission to enter our homes in the mountains and we will not allow political fiefs," referring to Jumblr, pointing out that all our use prior to the Qabrishmoun incident, the concept State against no state and logic militia against state, in an implicit reference to the Socialist Party, who said to be bound abroad and to resort to intelligence agencies and embbadies, as we do with the rule of law that we want to be safe from violations committed from abroad

Bbadil then referred to the reconciliation between Christians, stating that she would not, but launched an attack on the leader of the Lebanese Forces party, Samir Geagea, calling him by name, pointing out that he demanded a Maarab agreement as a political alternative in exchange for General Aoun's support for the presidency, thus revealing that the essence of the agreement was We are together to support the president and understand the nominations and the elections, but Geagea wanted to take the appointments and the government, and discovered that his gain in opposition and popularity accused us of corruption and began to make false campaigns against us. Instead of being with us as agreed, he went on to block solutions under the guise of corruption, and his job is now to fight the President and the Leader of the Government Leading the Public Support for the ## 147 ## 39 kidnapping his president (in reference to what happened with the prime minister in November 2018 when he announced his resignation from Riyadh).

He added that he had warned Geagea that his behavior would lead to an end to the agreement reached between us, but he chose to pursue the policy of lying and begging without a record, and concluded that the policy of silence and tolerance of injustice was coming to an end, but Basil announced that it would give Geagea a last chance to return to the spirit of the agreement and implement it, He believes that saving the Maarab agreement is still possible. "

Before closing his speech, he spoke about the battle for the implementation of the Taif Agreement, stressing that Article 95 of the Constitution is clear and that we do not want to amend it, but that we do not accept the transition from half to a civil state with the Senate and a centralized enlarged administration, because the abolition of political sectarianism is not enough. He saw that some still wanted to return to the logic of counting.

In conclusion, we pbaded the 7 August 2001 of the detention of the freedom to the guard of the fatherland and the government in 2019, we will not fear our moral badbadination and we will win and win the truth, regardless of the length of their thread we will win and return to the government a government that they do not want to do and direct the president, but he did not say how

Pending a detailed response from the leadership of the "forces," a member of the "Republic of the Forts," MP Emad Wakim in Basile, said: "weak resists, short-lived. "Whatever you try, you will not become a leader."

While the secretary of the block "Strong Republic", former MP Fadi Karam, head of the Free Patriotism Movement, Minister Gebran Bbadil, said "honored to support our files because they are clean and do not accept to support your files because they are dirty. "By supporting our files, you become a reformer, but by supporting them, we become corrupt."

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