Hariri is a guarantee for the country and the political forces to facilitate the formation of the government


Mufti of Lebanon: Hariri is a guarantee for the country and the political forces to facilitate the formation of the government The Hariri is a guarantee for the country and the political forces to facilitate the formation of the government: Hariri is a guarantee for the country and the political forces to facilitate the formation of the government

The Charter The Lebanese Mufti Sheikh Abdullatif Durian affirmed that the Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri is a guarantee for Lebanon "and a new one with our confidence," and that This is the only responsibility for this training in consultation with President Michel Aoun and Speaker Nabih Berri.

This statement was made to the Lebanese delegate after his meeting on Wednesday afternoon, Saad Hariri at his residence in the center, where the general situation in Lebanon and the latest developments were discussed.

Sheikh Darian emphasized that the atmosphere of the meeting was positive and rebaduring and that he, for his part, supported the demands of all Lebanese and political forces to accelerate the formation of the government. "We, in Lebanon, agree that this country is built and will continue to engage in a constructive dialogue for the benefit of Lebanon and the interests of the Lebanese". He called on all political forces to stop political debates to facilitate the formation of the government.

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The Charter, the Mufti of Lebanon: Hariri is a guarantee for the country and the political forces to facilitate the formation of the government Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive news regularly. = & # 39; facebook-jssdk & # 39 ;; if (d.getElementById (id)) {return} js = d.createElement (& # 39; script & # 39;); js.id = id; js.async = true; js.src = "http: //connect.facebook.net/ar_AR/all.js#appId=&xfbml=1";d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(js); } (document)); [19659006] [ad_2]
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