Hariri is optimistic about the formation of a new government


  Lebanon: Hariri optimistic about forming a new government
Lebanon: Hariri optimistic about forming a new government

Thursday, July 26, 2018 23:06 (News | BEIRUT (Reuters) – Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri said he was more optimistic than ever about forming a new government, Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri said Tuesday. "In the coming days, we will continue to hold positive consultations with His Excellency the President and, God willing, we are on the way to a solution, "he said in statements aired on television after his meeting with the President Michel Aoun: "I'm more optimistic than any other period." Foreign donors say Lebanon, which held parliamentary elections on May 6, must quickly form a government to maintain confidence and begin r to work on reforms to help the struggling economy. Most of the new parliamentarians supported the continuation of the post of Prime Minister Hariri in Aoun's parliamentary consultations after the elections, which led to the appointment of Hariri to form a government. Hariri said last June that he was "very close" to forming a government. The new government, like its predecessor, should include representatives of all Lebanese communities in the political quota system. The May elections were the first since 2009. The differences between the main Lebanese political blocs have been paralyzed for years until they agree to form a national unity government in 2016. The government has been managing Lebanon's affairs since the May elections.

2018-07- BEIRUT (Reuters) – Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri said he was more optimistic than ever about forming a new government. "In the coming days, we will continue to hold positive consultations with His Excellency the President and, God willing, we are on the way to a solution," he said in statements released to the television after meeting with President Michel Aoun. "I'm more optimistic than any other period." Foreign donors say that Lebanon, which held parliamentary elections on May 6, must quickly form a government to maintain confidence and start working on reforms to help the struggling economy. Most of the new parliamentarians supported the continuation of the post of Prime Minister Hariri in Aoun's parliamentary consultations after the elections, which led to the appointment of Hariri to form a government. Hariri said last June that he was "very close" to forming a government. The new government, like its predecessor, should include representatives of all Lebanese communities in the political quota system. The May elections were the first since 2009. The differences between the main political blocs in Lebanon have been paralyzed for years until they agree to form a national unity government in 2016. The government has been running Lebanon's affairs since the May elections.

Arab News – Lebanon: Hariri is optimistic about the formation of the new government

Source: Al-Watan [Amman]


  Fawaz Al-Hasawi

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