Hariri met in Madrid with his Spanish counterpart


Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri held talks with his Spanish counterpart Pedro Sanchez Pérez Castejon on developments in Lebanon and the region and bilateral relations between the two countries.

Hariri arrived at the first hour of Madrid, at the headquarters of the Spanish government where his Spanish counterpart was received at the main entrance of the headquarters and held a bilateral meeting during which local and regional developments and ways to develop relations between the two countries.

Culture Minister Ghattas Al-Khouri, Spanish Minister of Culture Jose Guillaou, Lebanon's Ambbadador to Spain, Hala Queiroz, and Spain's Ambbadador to Lebanon, Jose Maria Ferre de la Pena, and members of both delegations attended the meeting.

"I look forward to the development of our bilateral relations with this beautiful country, which has always helped Lebanon through all times, we must work together for the benefit of our two peoples, and the Lebanese people and I thank Spain ". For his soldiers in Lebanon as part of the UNIFIL forces, and helped to secure peace for Lebanon. "

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