Hariri resentful .. Important visit to Washington with special arrangements


Hariri will be traveling to Washington this weekend for an important qualifying visit, during which he will meet with a number of US officials, according to informed diplomatic sources.

The sources "House of the Center" to the "Republic" that "there are special provisions are made for this visit.However, it has not revealed the level of meetings and the identity of officials that Mr. Hariri will meet pending the completion of logistical arrangements and setting specific dates, suggesting that the visit is exceptional and hastily organized.

These sources said that Mr. Hariri was very dissatisfied with the status quo and that he remained in contact with officials, including the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri, who was betting on his latest initiative before the engines were extinguished.

"Hariri has sought and continues to seek to bring the Council of Ministers together in a serene environment.What needs to be addressed from the main issues that he has to deal with after budget approval, needs to be addressed. a serene atmosphere to end internal wars and protect the minimum of solidarity available in the national agreement government. "

She stressed that "the invocation of the powers conferred on each institution is an important and relevant condition, and that going beyond the limits of power does not benefit anyone, but hurts the country and in particular the cooperation between the institutions and to its content ".

The Republic

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