Hariri sent a list of 90 names of the Sunni sect to state security course


Major-General Jamil al-Sayyed pointed out that there is a sectarian and sectarian balance in all security courts, as was the case during the last State Security Course, who did not notice any security features of Hermel. He felt that instead of accusing the MP when talking about the unfairness of a certain area, one should raise this injustice.

In a television interview, Al-Sayyed revealed that Prime Minister-designate Saad Saad Al-Hariri sent a list of 90 elements of the Sunni community prior to his training at the UN Security Security Session. State, the President of the Republic also sent a list, as well as political distribution and leadership at the level of the Shia community, President Nabih Berri. "There is no need for popularity or specificity, but there are young people around him "more royal than the king."

On the government file, he explains: "Hariri is a reality between a political power with a quota and a part of this procrastination But the most that the rest is procrastination by external demand to know the atmosphere in the region, was held meetings of former prime ministers, especially Najib Miqati to rebadure that no one will lead the government after. "[19659004Heunderlinesthat"thesymbolsoftheSyriantutelagearepresentInpowertheymisstheformerPrimeMinisterRaficHaririandwearethesymbolsofthecoordinationofthesecuritysyro-Lebaneseandthesecurityinstitutionswhichexiststilltoday"

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