Hashish is reviving the state of a billion dollars … What about farms?


Until yesterday, the legislation on cannabis was a "joke" used by the Lebanese in their meetings, and a dream for the people of a whole region that suffered from marginalization and deprivation until deny the state and its prestige. Nabih Berri told US Ambbadador to Lebanon Elizabeth Richard that "the House of Representatives is preparing to study and pbad the necessary legislation to legislate cannabis cultivation and its manufacture for medical purposes." To a fait accompli and a dream to reality

Berri announced earlier that he had prepared a project to form a "regia" or management of the poppy plant in the Bekaa, as it has been done. is the case for the tobacco regiment in the south. Berri's positions come a few days after the recommendations of the Lebanese economic plan prepared by the US company McKinsey at the request of the government to take advantage of the Hishisha, which should generate about a billion dollars to the Lebanese Treasury, which will contribute to move the economic wheel and open up new economic horizons. "Have we had to pay $ 1.3 million to tell us what we have known and demand for years, or do the people in Lebanon believe only in worthy ideas worth millions of dollars? "

Produced and admired by a large number of n And Council Council, and congratulated the Lebanese in general and the people of the Bekaa in particular, because the vast areas of the Bekaa provide an environment conducive to the culture of the # 39; grbad. The area of ​​the plain of Baalbek Hermel, not to mention the area of ​​the slopes of the mountains of east and west Lebanon to 600 thousand dunums or 600 million square meters, can be grown according to a study conducted by Baalbeck. 500 million dollars a year, or 500 dollars by dunam.

"No exact figure can be settled by a cannibal law in the Treasury, but certainly more than a billion dollars," says economist Ghazi Wazni. Behind, there is the benefit of the national economy and the public treasury, which is a factor

Wazni points out that the best model for managing the cultivation of this plant is to benefit from the experience of ' reggae 'internal and global experiences, because the success of this proposal is closely related to its organization, which determines the path to success or failure.

This proposal will also offer a broad platform for the development of the Bekaa at different levels, the most important of which is the creation of jobs for the inhabitants of the region.Annual exports between one billion and two billion dollars will inevitably contribute to the development of the region. All the more so as it came to a solution as long as it was "The importance of this study lies in the fact that it has obtained external and international coverage for cannabis legislation in Lebanon, which means that she has contributed to its global marketing, being a leading American company and a reliable source in the countries of the world. "

] While the economic expert Jbadim Ajajh has a dissent on this topic and believes that the income of farmers will be very low, and the profit of any other crop, the profit will be limited to a limited number of traders which will provide them with political coverage. Consider that the government will determine the land

It rejects the trade barrier to the theory that cannabis legislation is a gateway to fighting poverty in the Bekaa and estimates that a billion dollars is a questionable figure, because tax evasion in Lebanon is so important that the tax seizure can seriously The country to collect revenue of more than $ 5 billion. He argues that the state with tax evasion and the cost of control and export of agriculture will be lost.

The article expresses the opinion of the author and not necessarily the site's policy

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