He saw a controversial dispute with a dentist


Written by Mena Allah Jamal:

A famous dentist by the name of Mohamed Emad, published a photo of the artist Mu & # 39; tazil Hala Shiha and his sister here Shiha, sparked controversy, to through his personal account on the social communication site

The appearance of a solution in the picture was a surprise, gave up the union, which has long insisted on the fact that he will never take off, which has been confirmed in an earlier publication on his personal account on Facebook

. "When I kept Dr. here and Shiha's dream, remains the most beautiful need of the world", and the circulation of the image

left a solution to its followers and the public question on what is the

A public audience tried to verify the truth by writing comments on its last publication, hoping for an answer, but it did not answer, and observers disagreed about Sa personal freedom to wear or remove the veil.

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