He stole about 9 and a half million pounds and a check worth 10 million and a half pounds of kilo went from an office in Sidon!


Accidents and security Sidon

He stole about 9 and a half million pounds and a check worth 10 million and a half pounds of kilo went from an office in Sidon!

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Lebanon 24

August 14, 2019

He stole about 9 and a half million pounds and a check worth 10 million and a half pounds of kilo went from an office in Sidon!

A stranger from the city of Sidon entered the office of the alleged (SS) inside one of the buildings, breaking and moving, and stole the amount of two million Lebanese pounds and a amount in Iraqi currency estimated at about $ 5,000, as well as a check for 10 million Lebanese pounds and half a kilo of gold returned for his wife, then fled to an unknown destination.

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