Health and education are the fruits of the economic reform of the man of the street


We review the most important and recent news in the following article:
August 10, 2019

3 agencies to open as part of the group's expansion policy

If you wait for others to lead you, you will stay in your waiting room forever. Do not leave in despair. In the universe, there is no hope of seeing darkness. In the universe, the sun is like that. Genius affects a goal that no one can see, hence its characteristic.

Pain is a great school that leads to wisdom. When the paths are more difficult and the end is more beautiful, do not look for the path without obstacles, it often leads nowhere. How is life if we do not have the audacity to try? So much summary of his long career.

Dr. Hoda El-Menshawy, General Manager of the Egyptian Securities Group and Director of the Alexandria Branch. Its constitution reaches a high rank without audacity. It is the weapon that has achieved what you want, success in its dictionary means existence and ambition is an indispensable principle for determining the future, the adventure to the extreme.

How a doctor specializing in rare science, sacrificing all of this for industry bound by chance, can be a path of madness, when we look into the agenda of memories, and that the years of his early years do not will not be stunned … 14 meters separate the door from the entrance of the house and his office In his office, a strange collection of more than 2,000 books of medicine, science, economics, politics, Nature and sea drawings, as well as her kindness in unity, were carried out with professionalism and precision, carried by the walls of her brown-colored office. Memorandum, a handwritten diary that goes from medicine to inclusive teaching Ai, to the money market industry.

"Yes, we had to build a strong economy, attract foreign investment in infrastructure, through a network of roads and bridges, and expand into logistic areas to attract investment," she said. "This is what has been accomplished, after years of suffering that have lasted more than four years."

The diligence and sincerity of the above-mentioned foundations on which he built his career from his early years were followed by the political leadership that established the principle that the national economy is promising offers many opportunities for growth and sustainability , which have helped to attract foreign investment, especially through the 20 Economically, based on the distribution of investments in emerging markets and their shares in each country, which was achieved with the beginning of the Arab Spring in leading the investments allocated to the Arab countries to the countries of Asia and the Gulf, hence the flight of investments.

"The government has incorporated the philosophy of foreign countries," said Al Minshawi. "The state has quickly moved to restore its presence on the economic map with major national projects and provide facilities for investment so that the economy is a strong entity".

But the economic reforms carried out

Contributed significantly to the improvement of the indicators of the economy, at all levels of the economy, but this did not have a positive effect on the economy. man of the street. What is the reason?

"The economy has gone through several phases.The first step was the construction process, which was supported by the middle clbad bill, and then the current stage, which will benefit the company. street man, the sectors that will be felt by the man in the street.

Audacity and courage are the most important attributes she has acquired from her father, Major General Tayyar: she badyzes monetary policy, without reservations, which she considers as going in the right direction, but still trying to correct the situation. this late policy, which occurred in the process of floating, and the reduction of interest rates, which had become necessary. Although the delay was intended to provide a complete rebadurance for the supply of hard currency, to attract foreign investment in debt instruments and to control inflation rates, the time required to maintain the interest rate for the maintenance of the foreign exchange rate. interest, without reduction, of the activity of other industries.

But the government still relies on investments in debt instruments, although some regard them as a risk, he said.

He replied that "investing in debt instruments is an inevitable evil, especially as the transition from a crisis economy to a promising one requires such investments"

His thinking based on scientific methods because of his specialization in the field of medicine, the study of the economy and financial engineering, gave him a lot of precision in his vision of the fiscal policy, considering it as confused, especially in the tax file that became "Sdah Maddah" and represents a heavy burden for investors. Thus, the State has no choice but to define a unified special tax law through which the investor can determine the feasibility study of the project, for a given period, without the change being exposed to the -of the.

The frankness of the characteristic characteristic of the informal sector raises many excuses because of the lack of trust between the sector's owners and the government, given the tax burden on the formal sector, which has pushed many workers in the sector informal to leave the formal sector. Therefore, the government should change its policy on this issue, working to consolidate the informal sector by creating cottage-related cities in each area, in the provinces, such as cluster industrial complexes in Europe, while by providing encouraging incentives and rapid resolution of tax disputes. Presence

Ombudsman who defends the public interest between all parties and determines taxable areas, in the light of monuments to which the man in the street is subject in certain areas where it is perceived under the pretext of taxation, this which is wrong.

In recent years, the record of investment remains a mystery between experts and observers, but Al-Menshawi has a particular view of the fact that investment is facing injustice and suffering because of its badociation with politics, where investment is subject to external political pressure, even if it does not eliminate the need to work Marketing and promoting all areas of expanding investment, by the through international fairs.

They are interested in "Menshawi" and are interested in inspecting the subjects they are studying, and the same applies to them in the sectors that can lead the economy. industry, particularly labor-intensive, which provides jobs and currency the state, besides the real estate sector on which many trades, as well as the logistics sector and agriculture .

The private sector should be a key player in economic development, and the state should abandon all projects and allow the private sector, while maintaining total government control over the private sector, and take the necessary steps to support it .

The attention paid to the economy does not deter him from his close relations with the stock market, his bias towards the money market file is not abnormal, his papers underline his sacrifice in the field of medicine and his university education for its relationship to the stock market, when it defines its vision honestly, to the strength of its fear and acuteness for the securities industry, more than a fundamental element. Regarding the role of financial control and the need to follow the same policy in the process of decline and rise, it is unacceptable to intervene to stop the rise in equities, demand fair values ​​and not to follow in case decline, and protect investors, which happened in many cases The most recent incident The Qalaa, in addition to the poor performance of the stock market, requires the study of the justifications for the sharp decline of the latter months, as well as the search for new products that revitalize the market, especially since the stock market is no longer a sector due to a lack of interest and has abandoned its support, so that individuals have become the prey to institutions.

Al-Menshawi has many anecdotes about the stock market situation, including the tendency of foreign investors to use debt instruments, the onslaught of taxes on the industry, as well as the contradictory statements of the Minister of Commerce, which had an impact on the movement of stocks, as well as the problems resulting from short positions. Seeling, speculation before its implementation, as well as market manipulation through the main index to be reexamined, with pressure on individual investors and market transformation into institutions, as well as the crises faced by the Nile Stock Exchange and the stock market failure to currently publish important information.

The pages of his memories testify to his ability to insist, challenge and innovate. Early in her career, she took up the challenge and did not hide the adventure when she jumped from the top of the Lebanese mountains, where she took on the responsibility of leading the board of directors. administration of the company, contributing significantly to the work on the policy of expansion, despite turbulence on the markets, Its objective is to achieve 4 important axes, the extension by the opening of new agencies distributed in 4 agencies and the opening of new branches in 3 new provinces, subject to the improvement of the market and the expansion of the customer base and institutions.

His relationship with the sciences of nature and society does not end, which is revealed through his library of books. Different books exceed 1500 books, an average of six hours a day, which is his first pbadion. But always looking for what allows him to lead. In this?

This article is adapted from the original news source:

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