"Health" assigns 16 employees to rely on 208 pilgrims to throw stones


"Health" has asked 16 employees of the Mecca Health Religion Awareness Department to trust hospitalized patients to throw stones by stoning.

The ministry said that members of religious education are pbaded on to hospitalized sick pilgrims, in order to ensure that they are delegated to third parties to throw them for anthrax, and s & rsquo; There is no one to throw them, these pilgrims are limited to throwing stones at them.

The Ministry stated that the duties of its employees were not limited to providing medical and therapeutic services, but operated on all the services that could be provided to Rahman's clients who had been stopped by the disease to complete their pilgrimage and provide all the necessary services. means and all the needs.

It is worth mentioning that the "health" provided 4000 for Ihram Baras to Rahman's customers, and 3300 shoes for hospitalized patients are given to them free of charge.

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