Hind Sabry contributes to the "corridor" of the Ahmed Ezz Championship


As of the day, Hind Sabry Ahmed Ezz contributes to the "corridor" of the championship, in the light of the dissemination of false news, and distracts the spirit of the Arab citizen in all parts of the Arab world at the information on the internet or on social media, "We provided the Arab News News site, which presents and transmits late-breaking news in a variety of fields, with the aim of transmitting information with credibility and transparency to our visitors in all countries of the Arab world. The news content, whether it is true or false, in the political plan of the Arab News site located at the bottom of the page, and start with the most important news on today's date, which is the story of "Hind Sabry Ahmed Ezz contributes the hall of the championship."

July 2018 19:15 – Tunisian star Hend Sabri prepares to play Ahmed Ezz in his new film, "The Corridor", directed by Sherif Arafa after his nomination for the role of the female hero in front of him.

17 years since the collaboration of the duo Ahmed Ezz and Hind Sabri in the film "Memoirs of a teenager" of the director Inas Al-Deghaidi, is expected to be contracted during the Days ahead with the producer and filming after two weeks.

The film is the first joint cinematographic work between star Ahmed Ezz and the great director Sherif Arfa, and should be screened in 2019.

The character of the Egyptian hero Ibrahim Al-Rifai, founder of the Egyptian group Saqqa and leader 39th group Saqqa, joined the military academy in 1951 and joined the infantry in 1954. It is part of the first Egyptian Thunder Brigade,, Ibrahim Al-Rifai drew attention to him during the training because he was characterized by unparalleled courage and daring.

Hind Sabry Ahmed Ezz participates in the series "The Corridor", which charges us with your opinions, obliges us to work harder and harder so that we are always as good as we hope to be always in healthy. "Corridor", and do not confuse your opinion with the comments above because your opinions are always important first and last, and do not forget to follow us on the social networking pages of our Arab News site, our pages on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus, and impress And follow them to keep you up-to-date on the latest political news (19659004) Arab News – Hind Sabry contributes to the "corridor" of the Ahmed Ezz Championship – Hind Sabry contributes Ahmed بطولة بطولة بطولة = بطولة بطولة بطولة ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd .createElement (& # 39; script & # 39;); js.id = id; js.async = true; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/ar_AR/all.js#appId=217928351979739&xfbml=1";d. getElementsByTagName (& # 39; head & # 39;) [0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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