Honoring Mohammed Henidi and Khaled Youssef at the opening of the Oran Film Festival


The presence of a large number of filmmakers took place on Wednesday evening the eleventh session of the International Film Festival of Oran in Algeria

Among the representatives present were Algeria Saleh Oqrut, The Algerian Iman Noel, Syria Kanda Hanna, the Egyptian Tariq Abdel Aziz,

The opening ceremony was held at the Cinema du Maroc in Oran, northwest of Algeria, and presented by Algerian actors Hbadan Keshash and Sara for the . Contest of films, workshops, seminars and presentations outside the competition, and Hira (19659003)

The festival was honored at the opening by the Egyptian actor Mohamed Henidi and the director of the Egyptian theater. (1919-2017)

This year's festival will be held under the slogan "Let's Live Together in Peace" and will compete for 38 films in three competitions for short, short films and documentaries.

Participating countries include Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Syria and Iraq, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Palestine, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia.

The festival program, which runs until July 31, includes four short film, script writing and visual effects design workshops

. The Egyptian (Karma) with Amr Saad, Ghada Abdel Razek, Zeina, Dalal Abdel Aziz, Khaled El Sawy and Magdy Kamel .

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