Hora Farghali heals her fans after the success of the cosmetic process and thus becomes the shape of her new nose


  Horey Farghali

Horeya Farghali

[Asharq Al-Awsat]

The Egyptian star Horeya Farghali watched her lovers through some of the photos she published through her account on the Intgram website. The Egyptian star seems to resume her activity by spending her holidays on a beach in Tunisia, she writes a comment on one of the photos and says: "Annual holidays in Tunisia's place # with the best people in the region.

The fans of Huraira Farghali were quick to congratulate her for the successful restoration of her nose, and everyone told her how beautiful she was to watch the change of shape of her nose … Many observers expressed his joy in a way that shows the love of the Egyptian artist Houria Farghali.

The actress Horea suffers long after having broken his nose by being part of The equestrian team and then has to travel to England to monitor his condition with an English doctor who tells him later that the only cure is to use the bones of the head. the bone that was removed from the nose.

Farghali's mother undergoes a facelift in her nose!

Haya Farghali is celebrating her birthday … You will not believe her real age!

Thanks to the visitors of the day to browse our website In case you have questions about this new Horia Farghali caring for her fans after the success of the beauty process Let us know or leave a comment below
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