How do you verify the privacy and security of Google Chrome browser extensions before installing them?


Chrome became the most popular browser among all browsers on the market, accounting for 60% of the market share of all major operating systems in June 2018, according to statcounter. 19659002] Regardless of its speed, ease of use and the security of the user interface, one of the key points of Google Chrome, which sets it apart from other browsers, is its taking into load of tens of thousands of extensions effectively covering all user needs. Chrome extensions are fun and allow you to be more productive at the same time. You do not need custom software because you will find similar programs in the Chrome Web Store.

What is a Google Chrome extension? Are installed in the browser to provide external features such as automating repetitive tasks or adding specific features to the extended features of Chrome. Chrome extensions are also based on Web programming techniques such as JavaScript , HTML and CSS.

Why can Chrome additions be dangerous?

Chrome extensions are small applications that are in your browser. Full access to all your data, such as the websites you visit, the content of these websites and the data you enter in certain forms (pbadwords, etc.).

Google Chrome extensions have a multilayer permissions system For your data, you need the extension, but as the system is only effective with the people who use it, so if you accept all the permissions that Chrome needs without thinking, you will not be able to do anything to protect your data.

Google generally checks all extensions sent to the Chrome Web Store, there are still harmful extensions that explore the network. Chrome allows you to install plug-ins from third-party websites through the inline installation API, but Google has announced that this feature will be phased out, starting with the release of Chrome's early 71 December.

This is not the only problem: Chrome extensions are automatically updated. Thus, even if you take the necessary precautions and look for the add-in before installation, the update of the add-on may not work properly. For you, the developer can sell the extension And there are many scenarios that can make the extension harmful even after installation, so you have to monitor the Chrome extensions, not only when you are in the business. installation but also after installing them to avoid anything that could compromise your data.

Things you should check before installing new additions to your browser:

Make sure you really need this add-in, it is not about the extension that you want to install, but rather security. You can be attacked, so if you do not need it. Do not Install

Create an imaginary personal folder on Chrome used to check for new additions first:

Not only are new programs testing fun, but they can be part of your daily work. After all, how do you know if adding Chrome will help you increase your productivity without installing it? Creating a new fictitious Chrome profile to test is a reasonable precaution that can save you many mistakes: separate the real browser you use for your work where all your accounts are open from the test profile and add a security layer. Make sure you do not install extensions outside the Chrome Web Store:

Google has already applied this policy on Chrome extensions released after June 12, 2018. If you have already installed an extension other than on the Chrome Web Store, delete it Find Now an Official Replacement in the Chrome Web Store 659002] Google said that by September 12 this feature will be disabled for existing additions. No matter where you click to install the module, you will be directed to Chrome's e-market and that's fine, according to Google will also uninstall the built-in API needed to install plugins outside the Chrome-e-market from Chrome 71.

"Descriptions and lists of features in the Google Chrome eMarket are essential to help users decide whether they should be added or not."

Note however that developers will be able to install their extensions locally to test them by activating Software Developer 03] Make sure you install the correct addition:

Topics related to what you are reading :

This may seem very easy, but not earlier this year, AdGuard, a company that offers ad blocking products, a list of five malicious additions to Chrome that resulted in over hacking of 20 Millions of Users Here is a list of these applications:

  • Add AdRemover for Google Chrome
  • Add uBlock Plus
  • Add Adblock Pro (have more than 2 million users) [19659018] Add HD to YouTube (have more than 400 000 users)
  • Add

Here is a list of alternative extensions that meet the following conditions:

  • AdBlock Add-on (has more than 10 millions of dollars users)
  • Add Adblock Plus (has more than 10 million users)
  • Adding an original uBlock
  • Adding uBlock Plus Adblocker (over 10 million users )
  • Of 800,000 users)

Be sure to read carefully the description and privacy policy:

Carefully read the description of the addition and read it until the end, as the One of the reasons why Google insists on availability in the Chrome Market. Ktrona must contain a transparent description is mandatory. Some add-ons may not comply with security and privacy rules, such as tracking information or sharing data, and you may want to determine whether it is a good idea to trade confidentiality and security with its extra features. ]  Modules for Google Chrome

Visit the website:

All Chrome extensions do not have their own website, there are common plugins that are programmed and managed by developers Individuals, but If the add-on has a website, make sure to check it out because the check is over The special website will give you a more informed picture and can help you make a better decision, look for signs that this work is not professional, such as spelling errors or bad English

 Google Chrome Additions

Check the number of post users :

Avoid additions that only count a few users. These projects can be good and innovative, but if you do not have the skills or the time to study the extension, do not bet on it. Go to the most popular additions with good grades.

Read Odds on Chrome Market E-mail:

Malicious players can create good comments on the Chrome e-market and make them look good. If you only see comments that you say add without giving specific use cases and that each rating gives five stars, think twice before installation, there are always some users who think they have found the best of what is new after the invention of the Internet.

Check the permissions required by the module during installation:

The permissions required by the extension should be logical and limited as much as possible, for example: It is not possible that the addition of a screen capture requires access to all your data, consider the description of the extension. For example, if you add tasks to a particular service such as Gmail, you want to access all your data on all the domains you visit. The step is not for everyone, but if you have the skills and the time to check the extension code. Chrome extensions are based on Web programming techniques such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, so the source code can usually be read only if developers modify it in one form or another. Many extensions are hosted on GitHub so you can easily view and download them.

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