How to enable the Block Suspicious Behaviors feature in Windows 10?


Microsoft has enhanced the security and privacy features of its Windows 10 operating system by adding new features that provide maximum protection to the user: Device Guard that protects your computer against malicious applications Windows Hello which allows users to lock their device by the face, fingerprint or iris.

Recent versions of Windows 10 come with an application called Windows Security previously called "19459003" Windows Defender Security Center "The purpose is to help the user to control security and privacy settings in an easy way.

From Windows 10 Build 17704 You can enable a new option in Windows Security, the "Block Suspicious Behaviors" feature, designed to prevent applications Malicious To Damage Your Personal Files And Protect Against Malicious Files.

When this feature is enabled, Windows 10 activates various security policies that disable the features that you normally use only malware, allowing to stop a number of attacks on your system such as:

  • "Executable" which may have turn on your device via e-mail.
  • Prevent Office applications from creating child operations, creating executable content, or embedding code in other processes.
  • Block JavaScript or VBScript from the start of downloaded executable content.
  • Blocking anonymous scripts.
  • Blocking unreliable operations running on a USB port.
  • Prevent theft of identification information from the Windows system.
  • Blocking Operations from PSExec and WMI Commands

How to enable the Block Suspicious Behaviors feature?

You must log in as administrator / administrator administrator Enable or disable

Topics related to what you are reading:

1. You can enable this feature through the Windows Security application, which you can access from the Windows Settings, Update, Security, and Security options.

2. Click the Virus and Threat Protection option, and then click the Manage Settings option in the Antivirus and Threat Settings section.

3. You'll find Block Suspicious Behaviors you can activate by clicking on it.

If this feature blocks any action that should be performed regularly in Windows 10, you can follow the same steps to disable it.

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