Huawei postpones the launch of its folding phone "Mate X"



Friday, August 16, 2019

Written – Asim Ansari:

Huawei has postponed the launch of its folding phone to November, after setting the month of September at the launch date.

The Chinese company confirms that the launch of its folding phone "Mate X" will take place before the end of this year.

According to the website "techradar", "Huawei" has made changes to the phone's fallback mechanism so that it becomes better, with the badurance that it would not be carbon fiber, according to the rumors.

The Mate X will also have more screens, replacing the existing steel back cover with a glbad back, and the glbad surfaces can then be used.

Huawei has added a change to the final version, which consists of a thinner lock button that runs when the phone is placed flat.

The company's engineers tried to reduce the weight of the phone by about 20 grams by replacing the back cover with aluminum instead of steel, but it was less durable during prolonged use.

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