Hundreds of people participate in "Arabs Got Talent" tests


In the midst of a huge talented audience of all ages, the second stage of performance testing for the Arabs Got Talent program continues throughout yesterday and today in Alexandria. in his sixth season.

Opportunity is open to talent of all ages and all nationalities to present their test skills on Monday at the Victoria Victory Theater in Alexandria from 8 am to 10 pm in the presence of the initial selection committee. The opportunity to participate in the next phases of the program, and the opportunity is offered to talents of different age groups and all nationalities to participate in the tests.

Tests of the second phase of Talks talent program performance experiments The tests, which took place on July 9th and 10th, then took place in Tunisia on July 12, after which tests were launched in Tangier and Casablanca cities in Morocco before arriving in Cairo Thursday and Friday. July 26, followed by the Lebanese capital, Beirut, July 29.

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