I communicate with everyone to form a government of "national consensus"


Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri confirmed his commitment that the government-in-training should be a national consensus government represented by all forces, currents and political parties, and that it will meet shortly with the president Michel Aoun . Hariri said in a statement to reporters that he would form the government in coordination with the president of the republic, adding that as part of his efforts to complete the formation of contacts, Aoun would have spoken with him and would have formed a government. Communication continues from him with everyone, and nothing prevents him from With the Minister of Foreign Affairs, "Leader of the Free Patriotic Movement," Gebran Bbadil, denying the existence of a rivalry between them or spacing in relationships.

He stressed that his contacts with parties and parliamentary blocs are being held discreetly in order to create a positive atmosphere, stressing that this strategy has led in recent days to calm the political discourse between the Lebanese Forces Party and the Patriotic Movement Free. (19659004) and says, "We need time … and conditions are better than last week."

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