I do not have anything anymore Phalanges


Prime Minister Saad Hariri returned from abroad without providing a solution to the government crisis, but was informed of the embarrbadment of the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri, and the escalation of the crisis caused by the incident Qabrshmon. As a result, the Prime Minister is going through a difficult period because he has no other solution in his hands. As in the case of the song Rahbani in the play "Mountains Sawan": "They say Hajar Shaw Nater … and Nater …", as many tell him, "quit Shaw Nater", meanwhile.
Hariri has nothing to face as prime minister, except for the power to convene the government, which is entrusted to him by the constitution, but even his refusal to convene a cabinet meeting does not reflect not his true desire. He offered "everything" to reach the consensus stage in the government and proceed with what is needed for the implementation of the conference, "the only rescue available for him". However, the repercussions of the Qabrishmoun incident are intensifying and there is no sign of a near solution to this crisis. Hariri therefore decided to observe i'tikaaf until they were "in agreement".

Everyone has a setback, concession or sacrifice, and he only has the rest left to run the country and the state. He can only resign, but this stage at the current stage will be a blow for any prospect of recovery.

Although Hariri has nothing to do with the Qabrishmoun incident and refrained from summoning the government to prevent it from exploding from the inside, some are trying to hold it for responsible for not having convened a session, suggesting to the Prime Minister's team that it is an attempt to target him and his government for purposes other than beyond the fate of the Qabrishmoun case.

However, any attempt to reverse the situation against Hariri will not affect the Prime Minister, he will not be dragged into a war of authority or decisions – reactions. "They can say what they want and will not answer. They only have an option to resign and so send the government back, "insiders said.

But why does the Prime Minister not badume the responsibility of not detaining the government and not asking for an audience? Sources from the Movement for the Future say: "Holding a session may hinder Progressive Socialist Party chairman Walid Jumblatt, leading to his resignation or the resignation of other parties." Hariri can not take any chances, all possibilities are open.

Hariri is not alone on the front not claiming a session containing the fatal incident of the bombing of Qabrshmun, the House speaker, Nabih Berri, advising to "prolong the spirit" before a session, as well as the leader of the "Future" supporting his allies in this resolution.

For the 14 Azeris, this government track indicates that the power to summon the government is in the hands of Hariri only constitutionally and formally, Hezbollah and its allies preventing the government from meeting because of their obstruction, and this began before the birth of the government with the delay of its formation. Representative "Consultative Meeting" …

In addition, the ministers of the bloc "Lebanon fort" were absent from the meeting scheduled for July 2, although Hariri waited about two hours before announcing the postponement of the meeting … until that the ministers of Hezbollah and Fort Lebanon refuse to participate in the session. The first item on his agenda concerns the referral of the Qabrishmun incident to the Justice Council.
Despite all the possibilities, some supporters of Hariri believe that he should resign to reverse the situation and place them before the status quo, while the persistent unrest of Hezbollah and its allies place the government "at the mercy of party "and weaken Hariri as Prime Minister, to the point of canceling his role.

Future thinks that any Hariri position to reverse the situation will be the same as Samson's: "Ali and my enemies." The heart of the table does not embarrbad the other side, it "destroys the houses" of all Lebanese. The Prime Minister is fully aware of this, the patient patient of everything that happens and is exposed to it.

With regard to the resignation, Hariri is not in the hands, because it is not certain that it will constitute a pressure card for Hezbollah and its allies, and it is not conclusive that they will appoint to Hariri to form a government and give him room to maneuver. They can also nominate Abdul Rahim Murad or Faisal Karami. Free membership in Osama Saad.

Even if they rebadign Hariri to the formation of a government, this will not solve the problem of disruption and crises, but will exacerbate it, says Hariri, who believes that the mere resignation of his government, and therefore the resignation of his government under the current credit rating and the economic and financial situation, will push the country to collapse. A government led by Hariri or others to blame the repercussions of this resignation.

Therefore, i & # 39; tikaaf remains the least of the evils for the Prime Minister in light of the current extremely dangerous situation. But what are the limits of this temporal umbrella? Certainly not forever.

As a result, Hariri is confronted with constitution and patience, whatever the reasons for the government disruption, and whether its dimensions are on the borders of Qabrishmoun or if this incident was used to trigger a government crisis, it could then turn into a governance crisis to review the whole system.

According to Hariri's relatives, this is a retreat for the moment. I'm tikaaf is for a limited time and not always. No Prime Minister determines the duration of his tikaaf, but he retires until he deems appropriate and, in the case of Hariri, he retires until he agrees to hold a audience without mentioning the Qabishmoun incident. By referring the case to the Judicial Council or agreeing between the parties of another solution.

No one can push Hariri to convene a session that would blow up his government, even if he is president of the republic.

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