"I do not like my mother.If she dies, I would not make fun of her as a" mother "but as a" human being "


Video: Rola Saad: "I do not like my mother .. If she dies, I will not be afraid of her as a mother, but as a being Human "The news observatory quotes the summary: Rola Saad:" I do not like my mother. "But I do not like my mother, even if she dies, I will not have not afraid of her as a mother, "but as a human being," we broadcast our new visitors through our news observatory and starting with the main news. Rola Saad: "I do not like my mother, if she dies, she will not feel like a mother, but as a human being."

Rola Saad said that she does not like her mother because she does not know her as a mother. Abandoned his mother "We kill 100 times a day, and we have not lived our lives, and we have lived a normal stage in our lives, and despite all that we have forgiven them."

During her meeting with "One of the People" on Al-Hayat TV, she told reporter Amr Al-Leithi that seven years after their departure, she had seen her twice and told her: "Why did you leave us?"

Rola Saad said, "If my mother died, she was not treated as a" mother "but a human being, I do not know her as a mother and what I have eaten from his hands and I am sick.

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Rola Saad: "I do not like my mother, if she dies, she will not be afraid of her as a mother, but as a human, follow us on the social networks of our site to receive new news. " (Return); js = d.createElement (& # 39; script & # 39;); js.id = id; js (19659007) (function (d) {var js, id = facebook-jssdk # if; (d.getElementById (id)) {return; .async = true; js.src = "http: //connect.facebook.net/ar_AR/all.js#appId=&xfbml=1";d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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