I first loved Hassan Raddad .. That's why I asked for a divorce


Egyptian actress Amy Samir Ghanem confessed that she first loved her husband, the Egyptian artist Hbadan El Raddad, explaining that the relationship between them had started for many years with a friendship and then turned into love, especially after their return from Hajj.

Amy 's settled in controversial televised talk about her being older than her husband Hbadan Raddad, explaining that she is 4 years younger than the other way around.

And reported that a fun situation had occurred between them on the first day of the wedding during a plane ride for the honeymoon, namely that she had filed for divorce because intimidation, especially because she was suffering from driving phobia.

She disclosed the reason for her divorce petition, explaining that she did not feel safe for a moment, as he did not take into account her feelings and did not badure her the safety she felt with her father and her mother, which prompted her to seek a divorce.

She stated that she totally rejected violence against women regardless of the extent of her mistake, noting that if she was subjected to some form of violence, she would immediately seek a divorce, emphasizing that her husband could not do it with her because he was also opposed to violence.

Amy has already revealed some of the scenes of her personal and artistic life, evoking the highlights of her "Super Miro" series, which played a dramatic run, the last Ramadan.

In one of her last television interviews, Amy acknowledged her love of animals in a strange way that no one expected, claiming that she loves animals so much that she "s loved them. she does not wish to place a person in a position demanding that she be differentiated between him and the animals because she will have a bias for the animals.

Amy explained that she keeps several dogs with her father, the artist Samir Ghanem, and her mother, the artist Dalal Abdulaziz, pointing out that it is not because of her husband but she sees it better.

Source: fuchsia

Good radad

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