I made the decision to leave months ago and I did not think about playing in China or Qatar – the compass site


Cristiano closes Real Madrid for Juve

Juventus introduces Cristiano Ronaldo, a new Portuguese player who left Real Madrid for a press conference in front of the fans and the media, in a state of welcome for the Portuguese. Ronaldo confirmed at the press conference that he closed the Real Madrid page in a final to start a new trip with Juventus seeking to succeed.

The Portuguese Don said: I will not forget the successes of Madrid, but I need a new challenge. "

He is there [1] 9459036] ? ” clbad=”wp-smiley” style=”height: 1em;max-height: 1em”/> He is Bianconero.  ⚪   ⚫ He is @Cristiano .

? ” clbad=”wp-smiley” style=”height: 1em;max-height: 1em”/>  ?   ? # CR7JUVE pic.twitter.com/QhvR2X3e26

– JuventusFC (@juventusfcen) July 16, 2018

"No one at Real Madrid will cry for me after the start , I'm happy with the decision I've made and I'm looking at the challenges that lie ahead. "

Ronaldo continues:" I have made an important step in my career. In the history of Juve. "

Cristiano Ronaldo jerseys sold by Juventus in one day:

  ? 520,000

Total sales of Juventus jerseys in 2016:

  ? 850,000

L & # 39; effect CR7  ? pic.twitter.com/dGOx8aYaBx

– 8Factor of Football (@ 8Fact_Footballl) July 17, 2018

To leave Real, Cristiano declared: "The decision to leave the Real took several months, and the last night I did not make the final decision, but the Ribery encouraged me to leave for Juventus. "

Real Madrid on the 5th August say : "I want to play in the Italian league since the first day, I will start training on July 30."

Years, but I have never thought of going to China or Qatar like the others Juventus is the best place to continue the development e I thank them for giving me this great race. "

Ronaldo moved from Real Madrid this summer to Juventus with a four-year contract to come in a deal of more than 100 million euros.

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