I was raised in an orphanage and I tried to kill myself twice (video)


  Rola Saad: I was raised in an orphanage and I tried to kill myself twice (video)
Rola Saad: I was raised in an orphanage and j & # 39; I tried to kill myself twice [Video]

Today, Sunday 8 July 2018 06:15 "Dear Rola Saad: I was raised in an orphanage and I tried to commit suicide twice (video). " Dear visitors, in all parts of the Arab world, we offer you news of the day of "Rola Saad: I grew up in an orphanage.And tried to commit suicide twice (video)," which was transferred as it is without any modification to the news content of the news, and without the addition of writing any content in the news aimed at dispersing the continent and the citizen We brought you the most news important of the day, titled "" was exposed in your hands, dear Arab continental, via our website Arab News News Your way to know the truth, Rola Saad: I grew up in an orphanage .. J & # 39; I tried to kill myself twice Lebanese singer Rola Saad talked about her unhappy childhood, pointing out that her mother gave up and that her age did not exceed the year after the death of her father, … Sherine El Gamal

Lebanese singer Rola Saad talked about her childhood Alone, explaining that her mother She abandoned her and her age no more than a year after the death of her father, and she and her sisters put her in an orphanage. "She did not have a childhood like other children living with their families," she said in her interview with "One of the People".

Rola said that she had tried to commit suicide twice after the death of her disabled brother, because she was very attached to him and could not stand life without him, and was a source of safety and security. comfort.

As for her emotional life, she predicted that she had already loved 4 times, but each time she discovered that before and after marriage, she and she were not harmonized, explaining that Once they find the right man, they will get married immediately.

: You were raised in an orphanage .. And tried to kill yourself twice, you must learn in the end that you are part of your team We worked on our site Arab News News, clarifying the truth if the information is false. Do not confuse your opinions in the news mentioned above with comments, because your opinions are always important to us Do not forget to follow us on the social networking pages of our site, on the sites of Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus, and keep you up-to-date on the latest political, economic, technical, sports, technical, health and beauty news and current events. (19659009) Arab News – Rola Saad: I grew up in an orphanage .. I tried to kill myself twice (video) – Rola Saad: I grew up in an orphanage and j & # 39; I tried to kill myself twice. An orphanage I tried to kill myself twice And

Source: Fuchia

  Hajar al-Tayeb

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