I was surprised by the urban photography of satellite channels after my return from Russia


  Ahmed Naji: I was surprised by the urban photography of satellite channels after my return from Russia
Ahmed Naji: I was surprised by the urban photography of satellite channels after my return from Russia

Ahmed Nagy, "He is one of the best goalkeepers of my life, and he was able to participate in the World Cup, but his participation is due to the technical team, and of course he contributes because he has lived all his life for this moment. "He said.

And the recordings of Issam Al-Hadari channels for money, he said during his dialogue program "22h" presented by the media Wael Al-Ibrahimi via the channel "Dream", "I do not knew by people, and his time and his time, and I was angry when I learned that … We were surprised by that. "

defended the technical staff and the players, pointing out that hotel players were like a "barracks", adding, "Cooper said that the team needs a new coach to renew the blood of the team .

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  Ahmed Atef

Amateur journalist of news and current affairs on Egyptian art

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