If we do not train the government this month, we will have a budget problem


Finance Minister Ali Hbadan Khalil stressed that "we do not have the luxury of wasting time on government formation, because what is happening in the region requires that we have a government department ready to face developments ". "Every day of delay in the formation of the government makes us pay the scale of the confidence of the international community and the confidence of the people in us."

Khalil warned the minister to charge the foreign government to do so. But I do not think we are in front of an external decision not to form a government.
The finance minister announced that "if we do not train the government this month, we will have a budget problem to get to the end of the year and not spend properly". He said: "It is in the interest of all Lebanese and the government to reorganize their relations with the Syrian state on the basis of the rules established at the date of this relationship." He said, "We are opening up official channels of communication with the Syrian government, a Syrian demand and Lebanon is affected, and we have shown our willingness to play a constructive role."

Khalil Al-Waleed intervened in his speech. this afternoon with a delegation from the Lebanese Press Publishers' Union, headed by Captain Elias Aoun, composed of Joseph Al-Qasifi, Ali Youssef and Saif Awada, during which the general situation of the country was raised.
Asked about the government's question and the delay, he said: "In addition to defining the responsibilities, we do not have time to waste time to form the government: the country must accelerate this process, and what happens in the region is very important.The administration has the vision and clarity of the next step and can make decisions on the scale of these data, which weakens people's trust in us and undermines the trust of the world and society.International, more than the country is devoted to the system And that the issue is greater than the formation of a government, because when all these political, economic and social challenges exist, and that we are unable to agree on the number and the establishment of balances within the government, it indicates the crisis of a political system

I mean that every day of delay in forming the government we do p to have the trust of the international community and the confidence of the people from our pay, when we lose the confidence of the people, this is reflected in all the facts, economic and financial. This is necessary to be seated by those who are interested in spelling
I do not think we are in front of an external decision not to form a government, but the appointed prime minister from abroad came back and realized that he was going to launch a communication movement to speed up the process. "We have raised the ceiling of our ambitions through a very advanced plan, it is true that we told the Council of Ministers that we will discuss details of the results of the Cedar conference," he said. It is true that the international community has shown that it is ready and said that it is ready to help, but Lebanon must first be ready, by its dysfunctional decision to have no government , to be ready for his economic vision and to make a fundamental change in his policies. Any expense that is supposed to be in a clear vision. We have US $ 3 billion and US $ 190 million in loans and agreements under the CDR, which requires $ 500 million in local funding. These amounts have changed a lot. In the country for the project sector To launch this workshop and enjoy the atmosphere of the Cedar conference and not miss it, we must quickly take the government issue.

At the level of the Ministry of Finance, we have committed to submit the draft budget for 2019 But this will require the existence of a government to approve the project and submit it to the House of Representatives, otherwise we will fall into the problem and the mistakes of the precedent and we will return to the exchange on the basis of the twelve, With what it means problems If we do not train the government this month, we will have a budget problem to arrive at the end of the year and not spend properly … The Department of Finance has overseen the end of its report on public accounts and budget cuts from the past (1993) years 2016.) I can say that we are in the time allotted to us.
Asked about the subject of the school, he replied: The subject of the school is complex and requires a dialogue that started with the Ministry of Education and needs to be completed with badociations and projects. Minister Khalil: President Nabih Berri Speaks of Parliamentary Consultations President Aoun said that he would not wait long: what do these words mean?
He spoke of a non-binding consultation session that represents an opportunity to exhort and hold responsibilities in the political sense of all forces.It is true that it is a precedent in the world. Lebanon's history, but it's a deep sense of the crisis that he has evoked. The issue has been reflected in the Council for committees to be elected and mid-way through the formation of committees and the study of projects and proposed laws, but we can not recognize the lack of Government

. Question on the future of relations with Syria and the possibility of benefiting Lebanon "Our position is very clear and decisive before the opening of the crossing of Naseeb and before any discussion in progress: it is in the Interest of all Lebanese and the government to reorganize relations with the Syrian state on the basis of the date of this relationship. It is something that serves both countries: Lebanon has nothing but this land operation on the Arab world and the Gulf countries, we have the opportunity to do it. to export our goods to Arab countries, we have already noticed the cost of this closure. And how much milk exports have shrunk Therefore, we need a serious discussion with the Syrian government, everyone is doing it abroad, and Lebanon should take into consideration its interests in this. In this area, there is a need for coordination in all areas with the Syrian government.

He added: We are supposed to put the interest of Lebanon on the table, and we will put this issue on the table of the next cabinet, not to cause any disagreement with anyone, we respect the positions of the Lebanese people. Of others, it is their right, but there is a right of the country imposes a reorganization of the relationship with Syria "We are clear in this regard and the position of President Berri is announced, and we have shown our willingness to play a direct role in this area: there is only one land line for Lebanon via Syria and we must first and foremost think of our interests. "

We meet the approach of President Aoun in this regard: Lebanon must be clear in its discussions with the Syrian side, this issue must be closed, the facts of the list in the south and north of Syria tell us, "We must follow our business."

Says the UN Security Council: We do not like the idea of ​​Security Council intervention on an internal issue like the government, but because we do not can not afford

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