Imagine a giant star that a Boeing will not take for less than 1,000 years


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Imagine a giant star will not be taken by Boeing in less than 1000 years, Monday, August 5, 2019 16h11

© Getty An image of a giant star in the arm of our galaxy The size of the universe has no limits that can be understood.

During the eternal journey of science to know the limits and size of the universe, giant telescopes have launched the bowels of deep space, starting with our galaxy The Milky Way, which recently allowed scientists to photograph the black hole at its center and the farthest at 14 billion light-years away.

Despite all the problems badociated with observing the visible universe, science recognizes that what we know or discover in the universe does not exceed 5% at best because scientists learned through radio telescopes that there could be much larger parallel universes.

While some are looking for the expected size of the visible universe, which NASA was able to map, curiosity has led some astronomers to know the size of objects, galaxies and stars.

In the observable universe, and even in the Milky Way where we live, scientists have revealed in recent decades 10 interesting star giants, unimaginable in relation to the sun closest to us.

In order, he is the red giant UY Scuti One of the biggest stars of our Milky Way galaxy, all over the universe and with a margin of error in determining the magnitude of the sun's rays, with a diameter of 2, 4 billion km. Its size is 5 billion larger than that of the sun and about 9500 light-years.

According to NASA, the "Big Dog" was at the top of the list of the biggest and most glamorous stars in the world in 2014, but is now ranked seventh in the wake of the discovery of larger stars.

It's the biggest dog, VY Canis Majoris One of the largest red giants seen and one of the largest known stars of man and is one of the most radiant stars, it is located in the constellation of the largest dog and away from the ground at 3900 light-years (astronomical breeder 1.2). That is, it belongs to our galaxy of the Milky Way. It is clbadified in the changing stars with a period of 2000 days.

Scientists estimate that the radius of this star is between 1,800 and 2,100 times the sun's radius and that, if put in concentration, the end of the ray is Saturn or 100,000 times the diameter of the Earth .

To make things easier, Boeing could travel about 1,000 kilometers to the hour to take the star in about 1,100 years non-stop.

Yet all this size difficult to understand is only a small point in the galaxy of the Milky Way, which in turn abstracts from another atom in the universe.

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