Imagine yourself pregnant on Mars!


You are pregnant, but on Earth, it seems natural and we see it every day, every moment comes, and you practice everything that pregnant women do, but imagine yourself pregnant and on the surface of Mars! ] • You will eat everything you love about food, because you do not suffer from weight gain on Mars.
• You will become more beautiful and attractive because no one will compete with you!
• You will stay nimble and light until your last month of pregnancy, because the human weight on Mars equals 38% of its weight on Earth.
• People in general on Mars will not suffer from being overweight, so I should consider migrating to Mars if you are worried about being overweight during pregnancy.
• This information is real and fictional, but in the end it warns you that pregnancy is beautiful, a step and will pbad and come a beautiful object that makes you want to migrate from the planet into reality …….. [19659002] (function () {
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