In a major raid .. Lebanon to oust the largest drug trafficker in the east of the country


At least eight gunmen were killed Monday, including a prominent drug trafficker wanted for justice, during a raid by the Lebanese army on his home in the Bekaa region

. , Who was asked by several warrants for the crime of drug trafficking in the city of Hamoudiya-Brittal with badociated armed groups "in the Bekaa

The army was attacked during the raid according to the statement "fired by Ishmael's armed groups, kill eight militants and arrest 41 people, including six wounded"

The military statement does not say if Ismail, one of the biggest drug traffickers of the Of Lebanon, was among the dead, but a military source confirmed his death, pointing out that one of his parents had identified his body.

Was arrested in the city during a raid on which he seized quantities of weapons and drugs.

The Army conducted several raids in search of Ismail In April, in a room in the Brittal area, a machine was found Grain of this substance, and one kilogram of cocaine and five kilogram s of cannabis.

In January [Décembre1965] Lebanese law punishes all those who traffic al-Hashishah in prison.Some of the traffickers of this forbidden culture are locked up in several areas of the Bekaa and are subject to prosecution constant by the authorities. Lebanon is discussing cannabis cultivation legislation in the Bekaa region and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri has set up a committee to draft the necessary laws to legislate this agriculture for medical purposes in the region. part of the fight against the deterioration of the economic situation. In the country] if (typeof fbq === & nbsp; undefined & # 39;) {
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