In Akkar … A trip of a lifetime to identify the oldest trees on the surface of the earth – Akkar Michel Barber


The nature of Akkar's unique aesthetic, because most of nature is relatively far from the reach of human hands. And the forests of Akkar, which extends from # Wadi Khalid to the northeast border to the valley of hell from the southern border with the Dhinniyyah where natural beauty is embedded in the spaces greens still depend on the lungs of Lebanon and its surroundings.

In the context of the global interest in ecotourism, this type of tourism has begun to attract nature lovers and to penetrate deeply into its forests to identify its hidden treasures and secrets far from nature. noise from the city and pollution.

As part of a series of trips organized by local environmental groups and badociations, a large number of activists are involved in promoting ecotourism at Akkar in order to attract tourists from the Lebanon and the whole world. In the journey of the Akkar tribes, as part of its regular weekly activities, walk to get to know the Suh tree and its forests in the Upper # and Old Akkar tribes. 40 environmental activists from Akkar, North, Beirut and South participated. He called himself "the path of the sun".

The march started from Jouret al-Sha'ir in Al Qubayyat at 1450 meters high up to the pine cones and from there between the pine and the motive then the sunrise up to To the hills and rocks overlooking the beautiful black valley that took this name. At the bottom of the valley, where meeting with a herd of goats and herds, the boy Khaled, who spends his winter on school benches in ancient Akkar and summer in the valleys and the nature of beautiful pastoral shepherd Akaria with his flock in the forests of this region.

"His work as a shepherd for a family-owned flock will not discourage him from continuing his studies, but rather encourages him," says Khaled. He adds that his region is beautiful and the diversity of its trees and the mountainous terrain and valleys and the storage of archaeological sites are very beautiful. "

then at Ein Tabet, where fresh water moves away from the pollution at the bottom of Lebanese waters, tourists gathered around Chanclice, municipal cheese, potatoes, fruits, dessert and traditional "tide" dessert.

The Director of the Environment Council, Dr. Antoine Daher, explains: "It is rarer than rice because it only exists in Akkar and Al-Diniyah and there are some trees in the reserve from Harsh Ehden. "In the northern hemisphere, they are located in Kilekia, from where the name was taken even though its main habitat is at Akkar."

"This is the 39, one of the few trees that were not destroyed by the first ice age, "he said.

The effect of this was the return to the starting point of the interior of the circular path, the length of 10 Kalmtra full day full of fun and knowledge and enjoy the scenery and take a breath in the nature of the nerves and nurture the spirit and spirit.

The photo remains the present with each activist who date and archive for a journey that will last long in the memory of each of them.

Akkar, rich in nature, strives to preserve this natural wealth inherited from generation to generation, in light of the urban boom that swept through all coastal and central areas.


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