In Lebanon, a man comes back to life in preparation for his burial!


A strange incident occurred in a Lebanese city: a family was preparing to bury a family member, but was surprised that the "dead" came back to life

At the ceremony of Burial of Ibrahim Qusta, died Saturday, the inhabitants of the city were surprised by the announcement of the family that the "deceased" had come back to life

After the family had officially given Funerals and funerals, The burial ceremony after the return of the heart of the "dead" to the pulse again.

The family emphasized in a statement b "The will of God is stronger than the will of man" and "with the prayers of his relatives, the heart of Abu Shawqi still beats, and he is currently in a stable state at the hospital. "

I apologized to the family of all, and thanked all who sympathize with her, announcing "the cancellation of the obituary and the ceremonies mentioned."

The inhabitants of the city of Magdoshah expressed their joy at the death of Abu Shawki. The deceased "is eager to announce the news of the death and determine the burial ceremony.

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