In pictures of frozen objects 42 thousand years back to life



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  Photos Frozen objects 42,000 years ago Back to life

Frozen worms frozen in frozen ground up to 42,000 years come back to life, making it the oldest living animal on the planet, in what is described as a major scientific breakthrough.

These worms are known as old nematodes or roundworms. According to a new study conducted by a team of Russian scientists in cooperation with Princeton University, the worms began to "move and eat" again, for the first time in the Pleistocene (or modern era), after returning to life in Petri dishes. The researchers in the study: "We have obtained the first data showing the ability of multicellular organisms to survive arctic Arctic sediments in the long run."

About 300 prehistoric worms were tested in a laboratory in the United States. Institute of Physical and Chemical Sciences of Soil Sciences. Moscow badyzed for the study since then while two of the females were showing "signs of life", a small pioneering scientific victory for the researchers involved.

Scientists participating in the study told the Siberia Times: "Our statement demonstrates the ability of multicellular organisms to stay in limbo." Long-term life (tens of thousands of years) in a dormant state under normal chemical refrigeration conditions. "

Scientists added:" It is clear that this ability indicates that Pleistocene roundworms have important adaptation mechanisms.Scientific and practical domains of Related sciences such as cryomedicine and cryobiology Worms were found in Yakutia, the coldest region of Russia, and it is believed that one was 32,000 years old, found in 2002, while the other was about 47,000 years old, found in 2015

Source: Russia today

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