In the footsteps of Kylie Jenner, Nadine Al-Rassi empties her lips of the Filler


  Nadine Al-Rbadi

Nadine Al-Rbadi

After the lips were full of fashion sought by all the ladies by injecting (Filler), it seems that TV star Kylie Jenner gets rid of the Filler and restores the lips to their natural, High.

Shortly after this step Kaili until followed by the Lebanese artist Nadine Al-Rbadi, and published a new image (Snape Chat), showing the natural lips, and got rid of the Filler and written on the picture, expressing his love and admiration in the form of natural lips, The old days, according to the site of the homeland.

By this stage, Al-Rbadi is the first Arab star to follow in the footsteps of Kaili Jenner, and she has got rid of the full lips that have spread in recent years , especially among women, especially among the stars.

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Source: Portal

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