In the picture – despite his appearance without makeup … Shukran Murtaja is surprising and admiring for this reason


One of the female artists had the admiration of many adepts even though she appeared in a photo without makeup. The Syrian actress Shukran Murtaja, through her Instagram account, has published a photo of her without putting on makeup.

The picture looked smooth and with very natural characteristics. He impressed a lot of followers. Many of them focused on his talent for playing and the beauty of his character.

In the comments: "Intruder of beauty and pure heart, a well-deserved artist, Taslami Shamia (and Salheli Ali Aziza) we love you so much" and "You are unique in beauty.

The image has achieved more than 12 thousand admiration. The star published another photo of her makeup and looked very different from what the observers were using. And had more than 25 thousand admiration.

It should be noted that the Syrian artist participated in the last Ramadan in the series "Rose Shamia" with a selection of stars such as Salafah Mimar, Salloum Haddad, Saad Mina, Youssef Haddad, and D & # 39; other.

She also received many positive reactions to her role in the series "Memoirs of a former mistress" with Bbadem Yakhur, Nicole Saba, Karis Bashar and Tony Issa.

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