In this way, they fight seasonal emotional disorders


If your mood is supportive of the cold and decreases with temperature, you complain of seasonal affective disorder. According to the American Psychiatric Association, the latter, which responds to the decline in sunlight, affects about 5% of Americans and affects women more than men.

Low energy, lethargy, excessive nutrition, sadness … all factors that can seriously affect health! But do not let the days and nights shorter than the cold invade negatively affect your mood.

Psychologist and health specialist Jenny Gibbelen of New York has examined the following scientific tips to combat seasonal emotional distress and improve her state of mind:

Hiking in the sun
Feel free to walk during the cold season, especially when the sun is shining, as this helps eliminate the symptoms of seasonal depression by providing the body with a lot of vitamin D, which is often lacking. A lack of vitamin D can cause cluster headaches, which manifest themselves on one side of the head, are strong and common in autumn and winter.

Exposure to light
The darkness characterized by winter reduces the body's ability to produce the neurotransmitter "serotonin" which regulates mood. Serotonin stores can, however, be restored by opening the curtains, but it is necessary to be exposed to bright light in the morning because many late hours can interfere with the rhythm of sleep cycles.

Move more
This may be tempting, but it is important to resist the urge to spend the winter at home until spring. Walking makes you discover the natural light of the sun, which helps you to keep the blues away from winter. If the weather is too cold and you can not get out of the house, enjoy online video or "DVDs" for effective exercises.

Focus on these foods
People who complain of seasonal affective disorder or depression are more likely to crack sweet and high carbohydrate foods, but the exaggeration has adverse health effects. Instead, use foods that prevent winter blues, including salmon, green leaflets, whole grains, bananas, nuts and kefir.

The use of chamomile
If you need to calm down, think of chamomile. A study published in the journal Phytomedicine in 2016 suggests that chamomile extract could help reduce the symptoms of anxiety disorder.

Participation in a new sport
Stimulate your winter excitement with a seasonal hobby like skiing. Having something fun to hope will help you improve your mood in cold weather.

Control of the environment
It is true that you can not control the weather, but you can control the environment around you. Make minor adjustments, such as brighter or lighter wall painting, buying colorful office supplies, and altering the "background" of your computer to the seascape … all of this helps strengthen your moral.

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