"Independent" Qabrshmun incident: Is not it better to lift everyone's legal immunity?


The Independent Movement said in a statement that "what happened after the Qabrishmoun incident was almost a" media ", named the second grenade.In spite of their intervention with other parties, despite the 39. Intervention of some presidents and military leaders eager to reconcile, until Eid al-Adha issued a warning of the US Embbady in Arabic, urges everyone to reason and put an end to convulsions, fighting and the use of reason and responsibility In charge of SO this case, in accordance with the provisions of the badets, far from any interference from this official or who influence. 39, was a consensus meeting before Eid and it was agreed to appeal to justice.

After its regular meeting at its headquarters in Baabda, under the presidency of Major General Issam Abu Jamra, the party issued a statement congratulating the Lebanese and Muslims for Eid al-Adha, in the hope that " this holiday will remain the beginning of reconciliation solutions and will address the harmony and people of the people, as well as the stability of the homeland ". Participants asked: Is not it better to waive judicial immunity and bank secrecy for everyone in Lebanon? "

He also hoped that the media "positively treat the course of justice.Justice is the basis of the king".

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