Indicators of the trend towards the worst .. What happens to the sun?


Astronomers believe that something strange happens in the sun, especially when it enters the "lower cycle" period of the solar cycle, in which the number of sunspots decreases as the proportion of cosmic radiation increases.

During the regular 11-year solar cycle, sunspots decrease, the glow decreases and the sun's magnetic field decreases

At the height of solar activity, the sun's magnetic field. To protect the planets, including our planet, of course, radiation Nathan Schwadron, professor of space plasmas physics at the University of New Hampshire, believes that "we are going through a very strange solar cycle and continue to show signs of worse ".

However, scientists believe that the Earth will not be much affected by this Research has shown that exposure to cosmic radiation (in all its forms) increases the health risks of astronauts, they become sensitive to heart disease, where the impact will include astronauts and those who can travel in space. And cancer at some point in their lives, while astronauts are vaccinated

Scientists believe that the lower solar cycle, coupled with a weakening of the solar magnetic field, will cause an increase in the radiation rate of about 30 % compared to normal, but the question of the magnitude of the problem of cosmic radiation remains open

NASA published two years ago an image of the sun, showing the disappearance of sunspots from the surface, which caused meteorologists to fear.

Astronomers have pointed out that this is not strange, since the activity The sun can recede during an 11-year cycle, and since 2008, the sun has completed 24 cycles up to present, except They warned of the continuation of the current situation that could lead to the entry of the Earth in a small ice age.

The number of spots reached its peak in the 14th session of the Sun. [19059011] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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