International Golf Putter: Title for Jordanians Shelbaya and Turkish Mert


Jordan's Abdullah Shalabaya won the men's and Turkish title, Isigul Mert, the women's title of the International Junior Tennis Federation (ITF), and the under-18 age group at its 2019 edition organized by the Lebanese Golf Club. on its seven stadiums in the Jinnah region, whose finals were accompanied by a large audience presented by the representative of the Minister of Youth. Mohamed Oweidat, Secretary General of the Lebanese Olympic Committee, Brigadier-General Hbadan Rostom, President of the Lebanese Golf Association, President of the Karim Golf Club Salim Sallam, Secretary General of the Tennis Federation Alain Sayegh and Secretary General Golf Club Secretary and Treasurer Hinds Daouk Robert Prince.

After the national anthem and a welcome address by journalist Hbadan Mohieldin, Oweidat, who hoped to continue his momentum, to sponsor talents and to honor heroes, took the floor. Salam expressed appreciation for the organizing efforts of a team of professionals led by Tournament Director Aref Mardini, who thanked all those who contributed to the tournament's success and announced the official results as follows:

– Men's Singles: Jordan's Abdullah Shelbaya beat Norway's Casper Christensen 2-0 (6-4, 6-2).

– Women's Singles: Turkey's Isigul Mert defeated Russian Arena Valtitova 2-0 (7-5, 6-2).

– Men's Doubles: Jordanian Abdullah Shelbaya and Egypt's Ali Shqair defeated Norway's Casper Christensen and Germany's Maximilian Homburg 2-0 (6-2: 7-5).

– Doubles: Isisul Mert and Tina Zebteh defeated Russians Arena Valtitova and Sofia for Bedeva 2-0 (6-4, 6-2).

The matches were led by FIFA general referee and representative Tanios Kanaan, badisted by referee Ziad Yammine.

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