International News – Thousands of displaced Syrians leave the city of Arsal to return home


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A new batch of Syrian refugees on Lebanese territory, including about 1,000 refugees, has gone to Syria.

Syrian IDPs have left the city of Arsal since [8] In the morning, several border crossings were transferred to their Syrian cities, controlled by the Lebanese General Security who registered the IDPs on the exit regulations and facilitated the pbadage

The return of displaced persons was supervised by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. United, and secured by the Lebanese Army and the Army Intelligence Service, with the participation of ambulances and mobile clinics of the Lebanese Red Cross, to provide medical badistance if necessary.

Lebanese General Security Establishes Center on Wadi Hamid Border Point,

Lebanese Public Security has been working for about a month to ensure the voluntary return of payments of Syrian IDPs who wish to return to their towns and villages in Syria, in coordination with the Commissioner The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has registered names and numbers and coordinated with Syrian security authorities the modalities for their return by successive stages.

Since public security resumed the voluntary return of displaced Syrians, General Abbas Ibrahim, director of Lebanese public security, said in a previous statement that the number of Syrian refugees wishing to return to their country "is increasing". He stressed that the conditions The Syrians, who have already returned to Syria, encourage the rest All the more so as "our mechanism with Syrian officials ensures the protection of these people even after their return."

The Lebanese crisis is one of the most urgent crises of the Lebanese state: the Lebanese authorities confirm that the economy, infrastructure, security and social conditions have been hit hard by this crisis: Lebanon can no longer bear the consequences of the presence of 1.5 million Syrian refugees; In addition, there is a consensus among Lebanese currents, forces and political parties – despite the differences and fierce disagreements between them – the need to start the urgent return of refugees to "safe areas in Syria" and to to hide them.

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