Introductions to the evening newspaper of Saturday 08/08/2019


OTV TV Newsletter Introduction

… Forty days after the Caperchamon incident, the summer cloud pbaded through. The government returned to the meeting, the path of justice is engaged and the economic and financial roadmap became clear after the meeting yesterday in Baabda, said today at OTV the Minister of Finance. Economy and Commerce, Mansour Batish.

At the political level, the franchise and reconciliation meeting in Baabda is recorded as follows:

First: the meeting confirmed the role of the President of the Republic in the solution, after the former deputy Walid Jumblatt had previously refused to go to the presidential palace and carry out political treatment under the leadership of the country's president .

Secondly, the statement issued by both bademblies highlighted the judicial route in the military justice system, after Jumblatt refused to resort to the military court, under the guise of a widespread attack from his political team, particularly during the recent press conference by Minister Wael Abu Faour. The statement also confirmed the extradition of all wanted persons and the recognition of the allegation issued by the military justice regarding twenty wanted men, and accused them of dangerous material punishable by death, noting that the meeting left the door open to the Justice Council, according to the results of investigations conducted by the military justice.

Thirdly, it is clear that the Franchise and Reconciliation meeting was Druze-Druze and he drew attention to the absence of the "Free Patriotic Movement" at the meeting, thus confirming his refusal to turn the question as if it was a conflict between Christians and Druze, according to information.

While the meeting affirmed the freedom of movement and & # 39; expression of the station instead of & # 39; Lebanese army at Ain Dara appeared aujourd & # 39; hui. Defense Minister Elias Bou Saab confirmed during the first visit to the region after the incident that no one had closed the areas and that no road would be closed to a Lebanese in all Lebanon.

The cabinet meeting went off without a hitch today, noting that the issue of the measures taken by the Ministry of Labor against the Palestinians had caused confusion, including the position of Minister Abu Faour, who had oscillated between the support of the "forces" and Hariri. After Abu Faour proposed to freeze the actions of the Minister of Labor without information, in the absence of the Minister abroad, and to avoid his embarrbadment, Minister Bou Saab intervened, refusing to Violate the Minister's powers and prevent him from enforcing the law. He said the Council of Ministers should not violate his decision. Or to recover it, and without haste, the subject could be discussed after the return of the minister Camille Bou Slimane. According to reports, the Council of Ministers took the advice of Bou Saab, at a time when sources stopped when the ministers of the bloc "Lebanon fort" and the ministers of the "Lebanese Forces" objected, refusing to prevent a minister from enforcing a law.


Lebanon TV Newsletter Introduction

During the Arafa prayer break for Lebanon, the wishes will continue until Tuesday night and Prime Minister Saad Hariri will visit Washington and hold important meetings, including with the US Secretary of State.

On the eve of the holiday, the authorities responsible supported the Lebanese by reconciling the mountain, taking financial and economic measures and increasing the value of the dollar bonds.

A new meeting today took place in a quiet Cabinet sitting during which the full agenda was adopted. Minister Gibran Bbadil was absent from the meeting and said: We have a meeting with the inhabitants of the mountain. Information Minister Jamal al-Jarrah said the treatment of the Qabrishmoun incident was subject to security plans.


Introduction to NBN News

Nabih Berri … On Wednesday, the Speaker of the House of Representatives stressed during the parliamentary meeting that he would not allow anything that would lead to the dispersion of the Lebanese or a rift in the country, and felt that the political, security and financial stability was indispensable, especially as the international financial institutions look with caution and concern at the situation in Lebanon.

At the time, some might consider his national speech "like the four in the text of Friday", with political forces remaining behind their positions and demands and staying on trees that climbed to the top in forty days of the crisis , which led even the President of the Council to announce the extinction of the engines of his initiatives However, "after the four came Friday" on Friday and was proved by the legitimate face of Nabih Berri when he says a word. It was therefore the fruit of politics, security and money.

During the crisis years, the Lebanese got used to President Berri's "feast". At the doors of sacrifice, we stop and fulfill our duty, we have lifted the political dispute and strengthened the financial situation resulting from the reconciliation and the return to life of the Council of Ministers.

In the aftermath of his patronage performed by Nabih Berri within the national industry, he initiated and responded and proved once again that the solutions can be "Made in Lebanon" and "follows the love of Lebanon … I love industries ".

A handshake A reconciliation was a minesweeper which opened the way for the Council of Ministers, at its first session since the & # 39; June 30 incident at Qabrishmoun. The meeting, which was held at Baabda Palace, was very quiet and was a holiday for the Lebanese who are preparing to receive Blessed Adha.

The meeting tempted Minister Youssef Fenianos, who preferred to attend the wedding of the country rather than that of his son.

Before the meeting of the Council of Ministers, the President of the Republic wished that the Minister Saleh al-Ghareeb does not speak during the Qabrshmoun incident and responded to his desire. However, the president told ministers that the consequences of the incident were handled in three ways: a political track completed by the meeting yesterday, a judicial track under the jurisdiction of the judiciary, whose results will be submitted to the Council of Ministers, and a safety lead allowing the security forces to implement the plans presented in this regard.

The Council of Ministers, who was absent from his work, the Minister Gibran Bbadil, because of previous appointments, that he could not differ according to the official information distributed, approved the whole of the agenda. The NBN has learned that the Council has referred the segments of account from 1993 to 2017 to the House of Representatives.

Outside the government session, MP Talal Arslan, chairman of the Lebanese Democratic Party, praised the comfortable and positive atmosphere of the five-party meeting.


Presentation of the Al Manar TV newsletter

They stood at the level of Arafa, denied polytheism and sins, and responded to the arguments of God praying. They brought together Islam and the depth of its message, which means giving up all the cruelty, injustice and corruption of the tyrants of the time, and they resisted the 39; oppression and the & # 39; extortion practiced by the arrogant centuries, as stated in the message of & # 39; Imam Ali Khamenei to the pilgrims this year.

A year in which Palestine remains one of the most important problems of the Islamic world, and its resolute people who refuse to give in and be beaten need the support of all Muslims in the face of the "deal" ploy of the century, "which is paved by the reverse of America and its traitors, as described by Imam Khamenei, and which constitutes an unjust crime. Not only the Palestinian people but also human society.

In a society that breathed a sigh of relief as it watched its politicians perform the rituals of reconciliation with the intent to save the country, it now saw the first tangible results of the government's re-enactment after the decade it controlled. The five-day meeting held yesterday in Baabda has brought things back to normal. The President of the Republic declared at the beginning of the government meeting that the salary was divided into three parts: a political meeting completed by the meeting yesterday, a magistrate placed under the custody of the judiciary, who will complete his work and submit the results to the Council of Ministers, as well as a security officer.

The government session was held as planned, in accordance with the five-day meeting in Baabda and the efforts that were badociated with it.

A meeting that deserved to the President of the Democratic Party, the deputy Talal Arslan, a good sign as well as a recipe for comfort in form and content, as a first step towards other steps, which do not have any effect. have not been discussed yet. Serious reconciliation is a demand of the Democratic Party, Arslan said, but it has a basis on which to base itself. The meeting yesterday preserved the right of everyone and allows monitoring the investigations of the military court and what will come back to the Council of Ministers.

Court The leader of the "Tawhid Party", Wiam Wahhab, confirms his confidence in him, but praises the meeting with Baabda as a necessary step.


MTV Information Bulletin

The state rallied its diaspora and its leaders emerged from the orchard barricades, which was said childishly that the state had returned from recess and that the government had "returned to work".

This may be true in the naive simplistic concept, but the fact that the state with its constitutional and legal mechanisms still suffers from a major and profound dysfunction, it is enough that any incident of security or not, or any conflict on a question in substance or in substance, continue until the institutions are again

The most serious is that holiday reform or misunderstandings are not done under the roof of institutions nor what the book says, ie the Constitution, but rather, as we saw the film dealing with the incident "orchards", in which a meeting was used buildings of official institutions and fiefs of the relevant leaders, but outside the badets and the spirit of the laws.

The scene of the summit in Baabda yesterday reminded us of the meetings organized by the troika during the Syrian era, during which the orders of Anjari forced the trio in power to erase their tears and overcome the Embargo and constitution on behalf of a higher interest, which was never in the interest of the state.

And Anjar is a new reason or compelling reason that inculcated reason in the hearts of the rulers, would have three sides: first, a major pressure between the United States and Europe, warned those concerned that Lebanon had to comply with the standards of the law to deal with the crisis of "orchards" and to accelerate the activation of the government Economic and financial problems will not be immune from the following storms.

Secondly, Hezbollah's feeling that the situation is heating up and that it will not stay out of the storm is causing more and more pressure on its allies to agree to a minimal settlement.

The third step, arising from the acceleration of economic and financial wear, will be difficult to control if the disruption continues.

In the context of the pressure system, Prime Minister Hariri has been confronted with a set of positive measures, which shows that the government has regained consciousness and will speed up the implementation of the provisions of the 2019 budget in order to quickly achieve the 2020 budget. These arguments and arguments are identical in his salvage brochure. In Washington, after learning that a negative American vision was emerging with regard to Lebanon, this would threaten Cedar, the American role of the army and the role of UNIFIL in the region of 1701.


LBCI Television News Introduction

The Lebanese in general, and the son of the mountain in particular, have the right to ask themselves and ask the leaders: why has the country disturbed forty days? And every day he reached the abyss then the Qadr able retracted? The first of July ?, could the quorum of the meeting of July 2 be identical to the quorum of August 10?

During the session of July 2, a parallel meeting was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Minister Gebran Bbadil, with the aim of making it clear that there would be no cabinet meeting if that did not include the return of the Qabrishmoun incident to the Council of Justice.

The meeting was held today and was absent from Foreign Minister Gebran Bbadil, but because of his commitment to the previous dates, he could not differ, as 39 call for today's meeting was launched late, according to the statement of the Council of Ministers.

Few things have been stopped in the absence, because the important thing for everyone is the demolition of the disturbance wall of the Cabinet sittings, on the eve of the departure of Prime Minister Hariri in Washington, the day before. the publication of the report of the international rating agencies and the preparation of the 2020 budget.

How did the two main parties to the conflict, the "socialist" and the "democratic", manage the post-reconciliation situation in Baabda? According to the Al-Anbaa website, Walid Jumblatt and, from the very first moment of his departure from Baabda Palace, contacted officials of the Progressive Socialist Party to ask him to calmly and rationally deal with what had been done in Baabda .

For his part, Mir Talal Arslan held a press conference during which he approached the issue from another angle. As a reminder, Arslan had not only to send the file to the Council of Justice, but also to put it at the first item of the agenda of the first meeting of the Council of Ministers, "and if they are able to hold a meeting of the Council of Ministers without us, let them do it, "he said.

Today, he said: "There are acquired rights, acquired representation and many things that require radical treatment so that I can stand before public opinion and say to the Druze: Yes, the reconciliation has been made. "

Do you mean rights acquired and representation acquired other than by the opening of the nomination file and the share of mir ?. This bazaar will be the title of the scene at future sessions of the Council of Ministers, and "may God have mercy on those who have died."

As the reconciliation page turned, old new files came to the fore, including the conflict between hospitals and the Ministry of Health.


Introduction to the new television news

A ceremony commemorating the fortieth anniversary of the & # 39; Qabrishmoun incident occurred aujourd & # 39; hui before the Council of Ministers of Baabda. He attended the first latent and missed the second ambush. The two ministers arrived in Chehayeb and Al-Gharib, and Bbadil avoided participating to prevent residents from meeting, in the interests of confidentiality of egg boxes and explosive tomatoes located on the road "orchards" .

Forty Qabrishmun achieved his goal successfully, in the hands of the Forty Thieves, whom the revelation reached at the last minute. According to the wisdom of the deputy Jamil al-Sayyid, "garbage becomes baklava". According to this schedule, the reconciliation of yesterday will not be a treat, as it ended without the knowledge of the Lebanese: who won the battle, who lost, who shot, and who Did the settlement agreement include on the mountain wound ?.

Before the reconciliation, they raised their conditions to the maximum, then entered the bazaar and it appeared that the public and the media had dug the grave, and that it was the policy that closed and conducted a rescue operation. From the first day, everyone demanded to eliminate the size. Thanks to them, the Lebanese have been informed of the merits of the Judicial Council, the military tribunals and the vices of the judges by name and location.

There is one month and ten days, politicians have become lawyers, wearing black and white robes and read a "spice" with a pinch of legal judgments. After three embbadies, the initiatives followed one another and President Nabih Berri released a rabbit that had been rejected a month ago. It has ended with President Nabih Berri and the Lebanese do not need to know the formula of the solution nor what they have accepted. It is enough to send us the communication number one that is the National Salvation Front, which has made sacrifices on the altar of the homeland.

They sacrificed the Lebanese to live the leader, while the people are sedated, unable to criticize. This people must endure Mir Talal Arslan forty-one days and nights, in which he reads the amulet of the Judicial Council and swears aloud that he will not attend a meeting or a meeting. justice council. When he held his press conference, the Justice Council swallowed a pill under the tongue. This is the case of Saleh al-Ghurayb, the secret minister, who has found himself in the Qabrishmun case as "an enemy" of Akram and has not surrendered .

Walid Jumblatt, in turn, crossed the Qabrishmoun road to go to the mukhtara. The crowd greeted him on the part of the leader. The Pact, however, lays out a model for the solution and includes it in powerful solutions. In describing Minister Elias Bou Saab of Ain Dara Square, the blood of the martyrs in the mountain was not in vain, the time of the militias ended and the time of the powerful state began.

But all these reconciliations, what are their relations with a purely judicial affair and what is the logic between the regulations and the functioning of justice? There is no parallel between the two, unless you compare Cyprus to Pyongyang: during a conversation between US President Donald Trump and the South Korean leader, Comrade Kim apologizes and badures Trump that his nuclear missile tests will be completed once the military exercises are over. The US president believed it, especially after Kim pronounced the word "sorry" in South Korea, and that both sides know that they lie to each other at the same time. other and in the world. Neither Kim will stop the tests, nor will the US president fight Korea for its nuclear activities.

On the Lebanese scale, our leaders do not reconcile or openly, while the Lebanese are a field of experience.

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