"Island Camera" … a new revolution in the world of smart phones! – News Compass Website


News reports of a new revolution in the world of smart phone, which will start to be adopted by technology companies in the year 2018 "Island Camera."

Many companies specializing in smartphones have begun to embrace the idea of ​​"Island Camera", which will make a big change that will change the way smartphones are used, according to the site.

Top right or left or even the top middle of the phone in the middle of the smartphone or add the unit m

The idea is also to remove the frame surrounding the camera and it will be an island surrounded by the entire touch screen, and can be the lens of the camera under the glbad touch screen, so as not to be affected by the presence

The concept of the part of the device, pioneered by many companies such as the company "Obo" Chinese, and based on the idea of ​​increasing confidentiality and User security, does not allow any hacking. To know the user because to work the user should rely on

It is reported that the leading Chinese company, Huawei, could be the first company to adopt this revolutionary new technology.

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