Israel establishes its red lines by defeating Syrian Sukhoi


The day after the visit of a Russian delegation to Tel Aviv, which yesterday moved to Berlin and Paris to discuss the Syrian refugees' return, the Israeli army dropped the Syrian fighter "Sukhoi" who broke the "disengagement" of the occupied Golan. Damascus and raised international warnings of "escalade".

In a remarkable development, Moscow linked yesterday the survival of US forces in Syria and cooperation with them on refugees. The Russian Ministry of Defense stressed that "there is no objective legal reason for US military operations in Syria". If Washington does not find cooperation with Moscow on refugees in Syria, it is better to withdraw.

Sergei Lavrov and Russian Chief of Staff Valery Girasimov of Berlin. In a statement to Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and Gerasimov discussed the situation in Syria, including tasks related to the return of refugees and the progress of the political process. "

In Beirut, the office of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri said that Russia is in talks with his country on plans for a mbadive return of refugees, adding that Lebanon hoped that the Kremlin initiative would deal with what he calls "the crisis of displacement."

Hariri discussed Russian plans with representatives of the Russian Embbady in Beirut yesterday.Russian President Vladimir Putin He said that Hariri "Expected the Russian road map, hoping that coordination with the US administration and the United Nations would be a serious effort to solve the displacement crisis."

Israel yesterday announced the landing of A Sukhoi plane in the occupied Golan airspace Damascus confirmed that the plane was targeted during its operations against the opposition in Syrian territory

The Israeli movement was considered c as a "red line" imposed by Israel before tolerating control of the Syrian regime in areas adjacent to the occupied Golan. The Israeli army said it fired two Patriot missiles to intercept a Syrian Sukhoi plane after penetrating two kilometers into Israeli-controlled airspace despite its warning.

Jonathan Conricos, spokesman for the Israeli army, said: The southern part of the Syrian Golan. "We have no information about the pilots. I do not know anything about umbrella surveillance, and we do not know if a pilot was found. "

However, the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights reported having detected the death of a pilot colonel in the regime's forces." A Syrian military source confirmed at the same time. Sputnik Russian news agency, pointing out that the Syrian pilot Colonel Imran Mar was killed while the fate of the other pilot is still unknown.

The IDF statement underlines "the pursuit of actions against" From 1974, which established buffer zones in the Golan Heights

He stated: "I have made it clear once again that we would not accept any breach like this, nor no breakthrough or slippage, neither land nor air. "He called for" strict compliance with the disengagement agreement. "On the other hand, the official Syrian news agency ( SANA) quotes a military source: "The Israeli enemy confirms its adoption by terrorists and targets one of our planes that tamed its communa located in Sidon (south) on the outskirts of the Yarmouk Valley in Syrian airspace. According to the Russian news agency SPOTNIK, the plane of Sukhoi "did not penetrate into the occupied Golan Heights".

The UN special envoy to Syria, Nikolai Mladenov, warned "Israel of an alarming conflict". "I call on all parties to respect all the provisions of the 1974 agreement and to support the role of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF), which oversees an agreement between Israel and Syria on the Golan Heights ". [ad_2]
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